$500 weekly allowance..

@avzz08 (103)
August 27, 2007 3:36pm CST
Hello there. Just signed up here in myLot! speaking of friendster, here's an experience i would like to share with you guys. Actually I'm not that fond of friendster thet much (unlike when i first created my account). having various freins requests from other people that i dont know is something that im getting used to right now. but there was this message that really bothered me alot! There was this guy (a married man) who message me offering to have an affair with me. Stating that he would be giving me $500 as my weekly allowance for ebing his mistress!!!! He even stated that I could still see my bf on weekends, since we must only be seeing each other on weekdays! I really hate that guy so much (and those who act the same way like that DOM!) oh well, just comment on my situation. It would really help! Tnx!!
3 responses
• Philippines
7 Sep 07
Well..............the reason they do that is because...since he knows ur Filipino and that the Philippines is a turd world nation, they can easily take advantage of the money-grubbing girls here...good ur aint one
@avzz08 (103)
• Philippines
7 Sep 07
Oh, that's so mean!
@emjay101 (42)
• Philippines
7 Sep 07
really? 500 bucks WEEKLY is a serious money.. many b***hes would agree for that.. lol! these indecent offers should be monitored.. watchatink?
@avzz08 (103)
• Philippines
7 Sep 07
I know, but ofcourse HE wouldn't be paying be that much if I wouldn't do something or anything he needs. LOL. And I was not raised by my parents just to become a mistress. I still have respect for myself, no matter how much the offer would be. LOL WELL, that person might really be desperate in doing such thing. I really pity him though.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
28 Aug 07
There are really a lot of weirdos out there who are using the internet especially sites like friendster to get their victims... it is wise of you to stay away from that DOM because it will never bring you anything good... It is a good thing that the mylot administrators are working very hard to keep perverts away from this site...
@avzz08 (103)
• Philippines
28 Aug 07
hahaha, yeah your right. I kinda notice how much effort myLot is giving to manage their site (very good!) tnx for your comment! yup, there are so many DOM and maniacs out there just waiting for their next victim. I really, really pity them! And they even have the guts to come up with something that's out of this world. To think that they are not that good looking at all, not even an average!! hahahahah!!! ~_^ peace!