Do you try to eat healthy?

September 1, 2007 6:44am CST
I do try for me and my family, especially for my son. It's really hard to follow on the the recommended food and nutrient requirement intake for a day. But as much as possible I try to include lots of veggies and fruits in our diet. Actually, my husband dislikes veggies and he only eats them when I intentionally only cook them and nothing else. He's a sucker for everything fried and he absolutely loves fried chicken legs. I always tell him again and again to eat his fruits and veggies. I don't want to be a widower at the early stage of our married life.^_^ He loves fried foods so much that sometimes it leads him to constipation!
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14 responses
@raychill (6525)
• United States
1 Sep 07
I live alone and I do try to eat healthy for myself. It's tough sometimes. I'm a pretty picky eater and since I live alone I don't have a lot of choices. I don't want to make things that are too much for just me to eat and I can't afford to buy a ton of healthy tv dinners all the time. So I'm always trying to find things I can make for myself. I do have to say that I don't buy much in terms of snack food that way I won't sit around my house and snack all day!
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
1 Sep 07
It's true. Fortunately because I do know how to cook and enjoy cooking I do enjoy making fun things for myself instead of just any old thing. I get tired of eating the same things so I do different sorts of things. I think snacking is probably the worst thing people do. even if it's healthy snacks cause if you're constantly eating that's never good.
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• Philippines
1 Sep 07
You're right. Even indulging in healthy snacks on a regular basis and missing out on decent meals can never still be good. There's nothing worse than relying on some few nutrients to nourish the body's needs. I'm not much of a cook but I do try to make something new especially for my husband and son. Especially my husband who sometimes turns to a picky eater.
• Philippines
1 Sep 07
Hi raychill! That's a wise move. No temptations for you to munch on.LOL. Eating alone can be pretty tough because for one thing, you tend to lose the interest to eat decently. Sometimes there's a tendency to just grab whatever's available in the fridge.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
1 Sep 07
I am glad that you eat healthy food. Sometimes I eat snacks which are not healthy at all especially when I work far away from my family. It is always so nice to be at home for food. The unhealthy snacks make me constipate as well. I must eat more healthy food like you, friend. Thanks for your mention about the good food.
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• Philippines
1 Sep 07
Hello William!!! I graduated with a degree in Nutrition so basically, I have to follow what I have learned. And to be honest, I don't feel so good afterwards after eating fried foods. I feel queasy and constipation is my greatest enemy. And as they say, kids mimic what their parents do. So, I can't tell my son to eat his fruits and veggies when he can see that I'm not doing the same thing. I have to be the role model for him. Kids are tough when it comes to eating their fruits and veggies. It's always a battle. Keep in touch!
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• China
1 Sep 07
You are also my roll model in eating healthy food. Thanks for your good tips on that. I will try eat less junk food. I appreciate your response, dear friend.
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• Philippines
1 Sep 07
You do that. Less junk foods = less salt intake = less worries of having a kidney problem. I also eat big bag of chips but I rarely do that. Sometimes, I only eat once a month. It's just like giving myself a treat.
• United States
2 Sep 07
We try to eat healthy for the most part. I'm sure we eat things that aren't so healthy sometimes but not all the time. We do eat veggies and fruit everyday. I pack my husband's lunch every day and I always put him some kind of fruit in his lunch and when I make him sandwiches I use wheat bread instead of white bread. I also use fat free cheese and the lunchmeat that is like 98% fat free. When I pack him salads I use the fat free dressing too. Then I try to make good dinners for us too. We always have veggies as part of our dinner.
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• United States
11 Sep 07
Oh my goodness. It doesn't cost a lot for us. We usually by the honey wheat bread cause I think it tastes better than just plain wheat bread.
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• Philippines
12 Sep 07
I remember the first time I tried to eat wheat bread, I almost choked!LOL Because I was so used to eating refined breads which are smoother.
• Philippines
4 Sep 07
I want to try that too, but wheat breads, here in our country, costs so much that our budget won't allow it. So, we usually rely on fruits and veggies that are a little cheaper.
• India
2 Sep 07
Definitely every body is looking for good clean healthy food but in a city like Mumbai where I live it is very difficult coz of your hectic lifestyle.At home we try to eat healthy food but again coz of accesive fertilisers and chemicals in it you don't get healthy raw vegetables from the market.
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• Philippines
4 Sep 07
That's what happens when you live in a world of fast and processed foods. And not to mention the chemical fertilizers that you have said. You try to eat healthy by eating more fruits and veggies, but you're never sure if you're also eating the chemicals used.
@iamtetet (44)
• Philippines
1 Sep 07
as much as possible, yes. instead of eating ice cream,i eat yogurt. I also eat oats instead of rice, no more softdrinks also.
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• Philippines
1 Sep 07
Hi there!I've recently bought a fruit yogurt but it's still waiting in the fridge. This will be the first time that I'm going to eat something like that. Don't know how it will taste but at least it's healthy. I'm trying to cut back on softdrinks though. That's one thing that I can't help avoid for now.
• Philippines
1 Sep 07
Hey, thanks for the tip!I'm going to eat that yogurt in a little while.
• Philippines
1 Sep 07
do not let it sit for days coz yogurt tends to expire in a shorter period of time compared to other products. i think the yogurt is basicaly a bit sour...only a bit. you know like green mango. but once u dig into actually taste good! my fave fruit yogurt is strawberry !:)
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• Latvia
2 Sep 07
I do try for me and my family,too . I think it`s very healthy to eat healthy. !!! I love you.
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@rouwel23 (1353)
• Philippines
2 Sep 07
do you believe in the saying 'you are what you eat' so if you eat healthy you would also be healthy
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@pendragon (3350)
• United States
1 Sep 07
I have diabetes and celiac disease, it's eat healthy or doom approaceth,lol.
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• Philippines
4 Sep 07
Yap!You should be more careful on what food to eat. Considering that you have to be on constart alert that your blood sugar level will be stable. I'm not familiar with celiac disease, though, but nonetheless, when there's a health-problem, the eating habits should be more well-planned.
@langhua (501)
• China
1 Sep 07
yes , i try to eat healthy.
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• Philippines
1 Sep 07
Good for you, langhua. Relying mostly on processed foods can only give you health concerns in the future.
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
1 Sep 07
Hi there. We try to eat as healthy as we can, we eat a portion of fruit, veges, rice, but mostly we eat alot of pasta dishes and a variety of meats... We drink loads of water, as we dont like fizzy drinks/pop as some call it...
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• Philippines
1 Sep 07
Oh! I love pasta dishes. Well, the only thing that I can cook is spaghetti.LOL. As the food pyramid says, lots of fruits and veggies, some of the dairy products and a little bit of meats. I have always been a water "guzzler"!And thank goodness, I'm like that because for now I still can't help myself when sodas are concerned.
@MrPahn (173)
• Philippines
2 Sep 07
Well, I am the one who choose what I eat. I still live with my family thou, I can get free foods. The truth is, I always buy something that is cheap. It doesn't matter wheter healthy or not, but that was before. After learning some stuffs about health, I became concious about what I eat, specially my diet. So now, I am very picky with what I eat. But I am not particular if it is really healthy or not. I am sure, I do eat something that is not bad for my body even cheap. I even am starting to influence my family to be aware of what they eat. It may take a while to be able to have them eat only healthy foods, but atleast they are already aware as well :D
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• Philippines
4 Sep 07
Hello MrPahn. Keep on doing that with your family, letting them to be much more aware on what foods to eat. Yes, it may take a while and a little more patience, but at least you can be assured of the benefits it will give to them in the future.
• Philippines
2 Sep 07
you did not mentioned the age of your son, if he is young I'm sure he will just pass by that situation because of his age. my children are like that as well. i just give them supplements such as milk, vitamins needed. you can also check - up recipe sites where they have recipe for kids which have nutritious value.
• Philippines
4 Sep 07
My son will be turning 4 this month and I sure hope that his eating habits won't change drastically as he grows older. I'm actually thinking of mixing some veggies that he doesn't like in burgers. But I just have to think of some other ways,too.
@eprado (1467)
• Philippines
1 Sep 07
Yes I try to eat healthy as much as I can. Just like you I try to have vegetables and fruits to our meals everyday. Yup sometimes its pretty hard to get the children to eat their vegetables. :-)
• Philippines
1 Sep 07
Hi eprado. It can be challenging for the kids to eat healthy. No thanks to the countless junk foods.
• Pakistan
1 Sep 07
yes i like to eat healthy.i like so much fruits and some fried things.fruit makes a man healthier and i like veggies in plain.
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• Philippines
4 Sep 07
Continue that kind of eating habits. It will surely help you in the future. No more worries of having health problems when you get much older.
@laurika (4532)
• United States
2 Sep 07
I am really tring to eat healthy.I believe in vegies and fruits and I eat them every day.I like also fried chicken, but do not need to have it every day or so.I am trying to compase , If I have a fried chicken a eat with it salad and not french fries or anything unhealthy.Soemtimes we are pushing ourself too much for eating haelthy I am more listening to my body and it really work, beucase I feel much better after eating something healthy, but in one time is tasty too.
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• Philippines
4 Sep 07
That's right that we should be more attuned with our body. And not to push it so hard that it will only backfire on us. Like you, there are times that I deviate from eating healthy. But I do try to get back on track.