deathly hallows.. what are your views?

@060157 (1059)
September 2, 2007 3:11pm CST
i posted this discussion somewhere else too and posting it here too... i waited eagerly for the last book and when finally i got hands on it...big disappointment! people say that the fans had very high expectations, and that i had too, and i felt that miss rowling failed to deliver. so, why did i like hallows? first of all, there was no twist in the story, u could read the last few pages of the half blood prince and it is all written there that what would happen in the next novel. deathly hallows is not about potter at all, its hermione's running the show, there was bit too much of camping here and there and reading through these pages was dull. well.. the idea of deathly hallows was kiddish too and had no connection to the previous novels whatsoever, and the theory of 'winning the wand' was extremely boring too. and then there is this mistake, wasnt it necessary to kill previous owner of the elder to actually claim it? then how come grindelwald was able to use all the powers of the wand and become a great wizard when he had just stolen the wand from gregorovich? if someone can clearify me about this point then please do. the book was filled with boring bits, horcruxes getting destroyed easily, light coming out of ron's deluminator and taking him to harry and hermione was simply lame... what kinda spell was that? and miss rowling seemed to be in a rush for the characters to meet their fates; mad-eye dying in the start of the book, wormtail coming to the scene and dying a few line's later (and what a way to die...), dobby coming to the rescue, next chapter and he is dead too. and the worst of them all....the death of voldemort by his own killing curse... harry could have made up for being a slob in the whole novel by atleast having a good duel with voldy.. i felt that there were some explanations left untouched.. i would have liked to know more about why some people become ghosts, the previous explanation was vague. she mite have told more about what that veil was.. where sirius fell and died.. and that king's cross station chaptor; whatever was that 'thing' that was making noise... there were good things about the novel too.. the final battle and the snape memory were fun to read, but overall it was a disappointing end to the series. please post your views too. i ll be glad to know ur comments too. thanks.
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4 responses
@raychill (6525)
• United States
3 Sep 07
I think I'm pretty spent on this discussion by now (and I don't mean that in an insulting way at all) and I've pretty much said all of my thoughts enough times. Basically the shortest version of my thoughts are that I was disappointed as well. I just think it was kind of predictable. I mean of course people were gonna die and of course good would triumph over evil. Then I also thought there were so many questions left unanswered after the book was over...after all seven books! I mean, overall great story from beginning to end... however I would have liked a little more.
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• Philippines
3 Sep 07
Well, I'm sorry to dampen your spirits but I happen to like the last book. It was satisfying for me. Probably because I didn't form a lot of expectations in my mind. I just kept an open mind about it when I read and so I was able to enjoy my reading. I do not like to form preconceived ideas about a book I am about to read, that would dampen my enjoyment. If I don't read what I am expecting then I'll be very disappointed. I was kind of disappointed with book 6 because it seemed like it was hurriedly thought of. But for book 7 I can't say the same thing. I enjoyed the fact that events were going quite fast from the start. The deaths were sad but that's natural. Anyway, all in all, we cannot really make the book end as we plan it because we're not the authors. Only Ms. Rowling can decide how the events will go and how it will end. If we want our own stories to prosper, we can try and author our own books.
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@060157 (1059)
• Pakistan
3 Sep 07
'...sorry to dampen your spirits but i happen to like the last book...' huh what is this all about?? i just gave my views here about the last book and asked u for yours. i m not asking people to dislike the the book. '...I do not like to preconceived ideas about a book I am about to read...'.. me either. but if u read the last few pages of the 6th book, it tells it all what harry would be doing in the next book and the story was just like that as told in the 6th book. yes we cannot make the book to end the way we want to but all i am doing giving my thoughts about the book.. thanks for replying anyway
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@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
3 Sep 07
I liked it, but I was disappointed too. I felt like there were a lot of things left unsaid. I wonder what happened to many of the characters and some things left me feeling confused. I know I answered a discussion like this before, but I can't remeber if it was yours or not. Did you post this one before?
@060157 (1059)
• Pakistan
3 Sep 07
yes it is the same post =) i meantioned in the beginning of the post that i had this discussion somewhere else too
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• Indonesia
3 Sep 07
so amazing...