Wow! FOX News interviewed a Democrat...

@anniepa (27955)
United States
September 3, 2007 11:52pm CST
I can't believe it! Fox News interviewed a Democratic Presidential candidate tonight on Hannity and Colmes! So maybe some of you myLotters who are more right of center actually saw it. Alan Colmes interviewed Sen. Joe Biden tonight. I'm not sure when it was taped, or if it was, I'm just assuming it wasn't live because it's a holiday. Anyway, it was a good interview and I really do hope alot of people were watching. Senator Biden says he believes he's going to win; sure, they all say that but some of the rest of that statement did make sense...less than 10% of Democrats have made up their mind at this point, the media is NEVER right this early in the campaign and the Democrats have to be mostly concerned with someone who is electable. I'm in the undecided column myself at this point but I've long been impressed with Biden's experience and knowledge, especially on foreign affairs but also on domestic and economic policy. He spoke of the death of his first wife and daughter many years ago and how he was a single father of two small sons with alot of help and support from his family and how it was very hard even with that help, so he can really empathize with single fathers or mothers who don't have the kind of family support that he had. Anyway, I hope all my fellow American myLotters will keep an open mind as they consider the coming primaries and of course the general election in 2008. This will be a very important election for us all, the whole world really, not just the U.S. Annie
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7 responses
@4ftfingers (1310)
6 Sep 07
Fox news is something quite different for me because our news channels here in the UK are more strictly regulated to provide truely balanced reporting, and they do in most cases. We got Fox news here a couple years ago and I've been watching it quite a lot recently and you just think how do they get away with this!? I'm not saying I dissagree with what they're saying, I'm not completely anti-conservative, it's just that it's so blatently republican biased it's unbelievable. Although lately it seems to be giving more of a 'fair and balanced' view because I've been shocked a few times when they arn't painting the democrats in such a bad light. News here, is reported with little emotion, let alone oppinion. It's a big contrast when you turn over and see Bill O'Reiley spitting and rolling his eyes when he's 'quote' - 'unquoting'.
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8 Sep 07
Like I said, yours may not be - I don't know what BBC you see? The world service? But in the UK it has to be. The whole reason you would have heard that they were liberally biased was because they pointed it out. They are so highly self-scrutinized. The biggest noticable difference about Fox and the BBC is BBC will never give an opinion. If they quote someone they cite their source. Whereas Fox is full of O'reileys and Coles pushing their own oppinions, making faces when they quote liberals. Fox will repeatedly use weasel words - 'critics say...', 'some argue that...' and 'some people are saying...' for example. It's a cheap way to sway your viewer's oppinion. Fox news is infotainment. It's news dumbed down to appeal to the masses who like to be entertained, in the same way tabloid newspapers are produced. Our best selling tabloid newspaper, the sun, is made by the same company as fox - Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Everyone knows that it's twisted truth but no one complains because they pick up a newspaper to be entertained, and would rather that than a boring newspaper that told the whole unbiased truth without the gossip and scandal.
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• United States
6 Sep 07
It always seemed to me that the BBC was liberally biased. I might be wrong, I don't watch it much, but I have a lot of trouble believing that the UK media is unbiased. Maybe I'm just thinking of the the most left-leaning, biased news source on earth, the Guardian. I might be getting my British media sources confused.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
8 Sep 07
the BBC is BALANCED?????????
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
4 Sep 07
If you look at debates, Fox News tends to have good fair debates and tries to schedule all relevant individuals. The democrats have refused to debate on Fox News even though Republicans are singled out on biased mainstream news channels.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Sep 07
What exactly do you mean the Republicans are "singled out" on biased mainstream news channels? The Larry Craig story was certainly too big to ignore but I've seen very little mention of it on Fox and when I have it's always be followed by remarks about Democrats' past indiscretions many from back when I was a child and some that were never even validated! Plus, when you have a party who has put so much emphasis on values and morality it's hard to ignore it when they've so blatantly failed to practice even a little of what they preach. Right now as I'm writing this I'm listening to Joe Scarborough on MSNBC defending the GOP. He's a very big part of their line-up and while I actually like the guy you certainly can't call him biased toward the left! Anyway, thanks for a good debate here, that's what I was hoping for. Annie
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
4 Sep 07
"The Larry Craig story was certainly too big to ignore but I've seen very little mention of it on Fox" Are you KIDDING???? when the story broke it was all i saw on the network. And yeh, there were people who chose to point the other direction but there were just as many who agread he should resign.
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@MntlWard (878)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Fox News has to keep up appearances of being balanced, so they do have left-wing folks on fairly often. They tend to ask loaded questions or they have people on who aren't able to articulate their arguments as well or they just keep interrupting or they turn off the mic.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Thanks so much for making that point! They try trip them up so they can get themselves a good "soundbite" to use against them later. Someone commented on here about Hillary repeatedly refusing to appear on Fox but when you have Sean Hannity running a series on "Hannity's America" on Hillary for weeks and weeks who could blame her for not going on? Also, I didn't see it and I can't remember now who the guest was, but I heard that O'Reilly recently did have the mic turned off on someone who was saying things he didn't like.
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• United States
6 Sep 07
I don't get any of those channels any more, (Fox, CNN or MSNBC), but when I did watch them, I did not find Fox to be biased, at least compared to the other news outlets. All news is biased, one way or another. It's just good to know that on Fox, people admit to being conservative or liberal, and Americans are then smart enough to view the information through that particular lens. I do give Biden kudos for going on Fox. Why don't the other democrats? What are they afraid of? They say Fox is biased, but the Republicans went on CNN (was it CNN?) for the debates. I think that democrats should go on Fox and be prepared to answer more than those ridiculous softball "YouTube Questions". Annie is right. As with every US election, the world is watching, and the world is affected by what happens here. The American people need to take this seriously, and demand real answers to real issues. Oh, and Biden might be a great guy.. I don't know much about him. That's why he will lose to Hillary. No one knows enough about him. Just because 90% of Democrats are undecided, they are not without a couple of strong preferences. From the looks of the fundraising, the preferences don't include Biden.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Sep 07
Actually I don't think the GOP has debated on CNN yet, I remember Anderson Cooper telling Jay Leno there had been a "scheduling conflict" for the original date. I think maybe they feel a bit afraid of facing those stupid YouTube questions. Once again I think it's a shame fundraising is the only thing that really matters. It's like they can't get known if they don't raise enough money but they can't raise enough money if they're not well enough known all around the country and not just by their own constituents and the nutty "political junkies" like yours truly! I guess my feelings are mixed in a couple of ways on this subject; on one hand I liked the idea of "regular Americans" posting their questions on YouTube. I think the voters should be given enough credit to know enough to ask the questons that concern them the most. BUT, when you stated "the American people are smart enough to view the information through that particular lens", I'm not so sure about that! I know people who are intelligent and sensible but just not that interested in politics and current events, they're busy working and raising their families, but they somehow found themselves casually listening to Rush Limbaugh and suddenly they take every word he says very seriously and take it to heart particularly when he says you don't need to get your news anywhere else. Maybe C-Span should be required viewing for everyone before they can vote, at least one or two hours of their TRULY spin-free coverage. Annie
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
4 Sep 07
Fox news has "leftys" on all the time, post democrat polititions refuse to go on how ever, despite numerous invitations to come and defend their positions. If you watch regularly, you would see that especialy on the more talk oriented shows, they make efforts to bring in people from both ends of an issue. Most people who don't watch have the tendency to say, "well, their biased". I suppose thsat woulkd be easy to believe, but not as true as it seems when you watch regularly. Hlilary clinton herself has refused repeatedly to apear as have 99% of the democratic candidates.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Sep 07
You say "Most people who don't watch have the tendency to say 'well, they're biased'." OK, I could send that right back at ya...many of those who watch Fox faithfully say the same thing about the "other" cable news channels, CNN and MSNBC. I know you're right about most of the Dem candidates refusing to appear on Fox but in a way, can they be blamed? Yet they all have subjected themselves to Chris Matthews on many occasions and no matter what anyone says, he's one tough interviewer as is Tim Russert. I know there will be those who disagree with me, but I do watch both of these guys very regularly and they do NOT favor the Dems!
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
5 Sep 07
I mean "couldn't believe the difference" my bad
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• Canada
6 Sep 07
I didn't see the interview...but it is rather astounding to hear of a 'fair and balanced' interview with a Democrat. Although I didn't see this interview I have seen Biden being interviewed on other shows and he does present himself well. I absolutely agree with you that the 2008 election is very important for the American people...but for the planet as a whole. Your encouragement for Mylotters become informed about the platform of various candidates is very true...with the war, environment, oil, Korea, Iran, the growing national debt your voters need to think long and hard about what candidate will be able to 'problem solve' many of these growing concerns and cast their ballots accordingly. Good topic Annie...and very excellent talking points!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Sep 07
Thank you very much, Perspectives, your input is much appreciated and very valuable. Why anyone would want to take over this mess is beyond me, but I sure hope we get it right this time! This discussion has already gone on several days and there have been arguments from both sides which is great. Everyone has their own opinion on which network is the most fair, on which candidate is the most qualified or the most likely to win (sometimes that's two different candidates!) and on which issues matter the most to them. All I hope for is that everyone in the U.S realizes the right to vote is a very important one and that it's our duty...each and every one of us who is not only exercise that right but to take it seriously and "do our homework" before making the final decision. Here's hoping the best man (or woman) wins and that he or she has America's and the world's best interests at heart. Annie
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I did not manage to watch that interview. I wish I had, as I am still looking for a candidate to stand behind. I am afraid that Hillary will gain the Nomination - though I really hope not. As far as the rest of them go, I am still looking for a candidate to stand behind and support. So far, I don't trust any of them.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Sep 07
I'm glad you're still looking, therefore you're thinking about it! It's sad we've gotten to the point where we're so cynical by nature and find it so hard to take anyone at face value. And it's really not that easy a task to be an "informed voter"! There isn't enough time to ask enough of the important questions in the debates and with the number of candidates running for each party's nomination it's difficult to do all of them justice. While all of the candidates have political records, one has to do one's homework to get all the information needed to make an "educated decison". Te soundbites and the commercials really aren't enough. On rare occasions a "flip-flop" isn't that terrible a thing if the candidate is able to explain how and why they came to change their positions. I KNOW it sounds like I'm just a totally partisan Democrat, but I don't think I could ever trust most of the GOP candidates if I were a Republican. There are just too many complete 180's on some of the big issues for me to ignore. I'd really love it if there were a trustworthy INDEPENDENT candidate who is not beholden to any political party or any multi-billion dollar corporate donors or any huge special interest group. Someone who would really listen to what the people said and act accordingly. Any of you myLotters up to the challenge...LOL Annie
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