I am at an impass...

@Schala (60)
United States
September 4, 2007 9:46pm CST
I have just finished one of my favourite series, "The Blending" by Sharon Green. Now I have to decide what to read next. Right now it is a fluffy little romance novel, which I am sadly nearly done with. So, what next? There is a second blending series, but it is not nearly as good as the first one. Or I could read the "Heralds of Valdemar" series by Mercedes Lackey. It is my favourite series by one of my favourite authors. The third choice is "The Dragon Quartet" by Marjorie B. Kellogg, which includes my favourite book, "The Book of Earth". I have never finished that series. So what is your suggestion? Continue with "The Blending" series, reread "The Heralds of Valdemar" or attempt to finish "The Dragon Quartet"?
2 responses
• Germany
5 Sep 07
Since 'The Book of Earth' is your favourite book, why not try the rest of the Dragon Quartet? I have to admit, though, that I have never read it. But it seems only logical to me.
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Since I am currently walking through Valdemar myself thats what I suggest~