How often do you vacuum up important stuff?

United States
September 7, 2007 12:47am CST
How often do you vacuum up important objects like coins or jewelry? Have you ever cut open a vacuum bag to get out something important like a ring or dollar bill? Today I was going over our tile floors with a vacuum (easier than sweeping and more thorough) and I accidentally vacuumed up some coins. Now, I know it's not really good for the engine, but it didn't seem to bother our Electrolux vacuum. So, I guess I'm lucky. For a minute, I had this crazy notion that I would rip open the vacuum bag and retrieve the money. But, it didn't seem worth the effort just to get back thirty five cents. Anyway, I think I would have cut open the vacuum bag to get back a diamond ring (assuming I had one) or maybe a toy part for one of my kid's toys. Or, perhaps if I'd accidentally sucked up an important piece of paper (it happens) then I would go for a rescue mission. But other than that, the entire bag will end up in the trash. How important would something have to be, before you went through the extra effort to rescue something from the vacuum bag?
5 responses
• United States
5 Apr 09
I wouldn't go into a vacuum's bag for anything. let me tell you some things I've vacuumed up in the last month: 10 pairs of panties, 4 t-shirts, 5 pairs of socks. and I didn't go back for any of it.
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• United States
11 May 11
T-shirts?? What kind of vacuum do you have that will actually suck up T-shirts and not clog (assuming it didn't)?? I'm not doubting you, just curious about the vacuum. If there's one that powerful, I'd like to look into it, I bet it's great for pet hair and stuff.
@VacSim (10)
20 Feb 16
great. what model of shop vac do you have? @MisssMarie: I would think so too.
@dededede (15)
• United States
18 Nov 08
More than you know. Unless it's really important, I havn't gone back for it. Infact, you would not believe how many things I've lost this last few months!
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
19 Nov 08
I have a bagless vacuum so it wouldn't be a huge deal for me to get it back out. ;) My husband hates vacuums with bags, because we have five pets, so we would be constantly changing the bags.
@dededede (15)
• United States
18 Nov 08
More than you know. Unless it's important, I don't go back for it. Infact, I alone have lost over 20 pairs of panties in the last few months!
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@dededede (15)
• United States
18 Nov 08
more than you know. If it wasn't somthing important, I wouldn't go back for it.
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