Mind Still Reeling; Just saved 16mo old boy from being on the 11pm news

United States
September 7, 2007 7:42pm CST
This just happened 20 mins from the time I am writing this post. Me and my mother left my sisters apartment on the way to drop me and my children off, then her to go home. We turn out of the parking lot and pull down to the traffic light not ten yards from the complex. All of a sudden across the street from the back of the corner house, a little boy, couldn't have been older than 16mos old, walked out of the yard and onto the sidewalk. We sat still at first, waiting for the "Big person" to come out behind him. But none came as this little boy crossed the street that we were on (luckily there was a red light, and that side of the street wasn't busy) and walked through the yard across the street. At first I was so stunned I didn't know what to do. I urged mama to pull up before he crossed the street, but we were at a red light that in the heat of the moment, I didn't notice. After he crossed the street I jumped out of the car and, since the cross street was busy and I couldn't cross, yelled to the neighbors that were on the porch nearby, "Who does this child belong to?!?" After a few descriptors, they figure out who the child belonged to. At the same time, we got the light and both my mother and I crossed the intersection. Some man stuck his head out the upstairs window and said to my mother the child was his. I scooped the child up and walked back to the house with him. Another little girl, couldn't have been more than four, came outside and grabbed what I assume was her little brother. The man came outside as well. I didn't know him at all, but I couldn't resist saying to him "You need to keep a closer eye on your son man!" I am still shocked and reeling over this incident. Had we not left when we did, he could have continued on into the busy street and gotten hit. The family that was sitting on the porch, at their vantage point, would not have seen him until it was too late. I HAVE to get your opinions and comments on this one MyLot. What would you have done in this situation. Would you have gone as far as to call the police? What do you think that family was doing in order for this boy to get out of the house and into the street? Why are parents getting so lax with their children these days?
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13 responses
@theprogamer (10534)
• United States
8 Sep 07
Yea I'll say its hard to keep up with a kid, but you are supposed to be monitoring your kids (especially infants) and keeping them safe! Good lord some people really shouldn't be parents! And why are parents so lax, its society and part of how the parents themselves were raised. Everything is me-me-me and "easy mode please". People wanna dump the real work of parenting on others when they could actually do it themselves (latchkey, public schools, tv, entertainment). In the meantime the parents that shirk the responsibility are free to also partake in some of the automatic babysitter setups of society (i.e. tv, entertainment, whatever). The worse part is, the kids will be raised to do the exact same thing! It's nightmarish!
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@AmbiePam (86277)
• United States
8 Sep 07
You're right. How hard is it to lock the doors?
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• Philippines
8 Sep 07
yeah why didn't the parents lock the doors in the first place?
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@roniroxas (10560)
• Philippines
8 Sep 07
woaa, some parents really is so confident with their kids and sometimes not keeping an eye on their kids. they should always make a point to see that the doors are close so the kid will not have manage to get out ofthe house. specially if the house is next to a busy street. that was really nerve wrecking. parents should not also let another kid watch over a younger kids. it is hard to be parents really but we still have to be have a watchful eyes specially to toddlers
• Philippines
8 Sep 07
yeah parents should not let another kid watch over his younger sibling because they are just kids! they roam around and play and they are not good guardians.
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@Stiletto (4579)
9 Sep 07
Personally I would call Child Welfare. Yes of course children are like mini escape artists sometimes but really there are limits to what is excusable. If you live on or near a busy street there are basic common sense things that you just do - like locking doors and gates for example! Plus this child was very young and, clever though some of them are, that suggests there were few obstacles in his way to getting outside. Child Welfare may not do very much (I know here in the UK they are pretty useless) but it might give the family enough of a scare to get their act together as far as keeping him safe goes. Also if a similar incident happens in the future at least this one will be on record.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 Sep 07
I don't honestly know what I would have done. The parents obviously aren't interested in the safety of their kid and luckly you were there. Perhaps you were the child's Guardian Angel for the day :) **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
9 Sep 07
That's crazy. I wouldn't have called the cops, I'd probably have just done what you did. Get the child and take him back to his house. It always amazes me how these parents don't pay attention to their kids and what they let their children do. Where my parents live there are always children playing in the road. And not everyone drives up their road at a slow speed like you should. Parents are never around and their road is right off a main street! it's crazy! I remember watching parents in NYC on New Years totally disregard their children. Like I'd see a couple walk across the street and not even notice that their children weren't following! My friend and I were just astonished at how careless parents are...and I mean, we aren't even parents!
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@wiccania (3360)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I would have done the same thing. I understand that sometimes it's not easy to keep your eye on your kids all the time. A couple of weeks ago, when I stepped inside to go to the bathroom while my son was playing in the yard with the dog, he figured out how to unlatch the gate and went for a stroll. He was only 2 houses up, but it was still extremely unnerving.
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@balasri (26537)
• India
8 Sep 07
You got to be prepared to face the problems with an infant before planning your pregnancy.If you think that you are not cut out for this you got to stay quite.You can never blame a child for this.This is our duty and it is for us to understand how to deal with different things in life.
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@GardenGerty (158154)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I am glad you saw the baby and were alert enough to help, as well as motivated enough. A lot of people are not. The parents could have believed the four year old was old enough to be responsible, a mistaken belief. I guess you could have called the authorities. I will have to admit that my son once got out of his bed after a nap, came down the stairs, pushed a chair up to the front door and unfastened a chain lock, and I am sure he was only about two. I was out in the back garden, and had left the back door open, but locked the front, thinking it would guarantee he would come out to me in the back yard. He toddled down to the corner and across the street (very quiet street) to the neighbors house because she had a daycare and other kids. She called me immediately. One year I was driving an early morning bus route and was greeted in a one lane trailer park by a little kid in a diaper who basically played chicken with me, standing outside in front of my bus, staring me down, hands on his hips. I honked loudly until his mom came out and got him. Now where were they at 6:45 a.m.?
@josan181237 (1204)
• Philippines
8 Sep 07
you did a very good job. that boy's parents should have been watching their kids. why was his dad upstairs in the first place and the little boy was out crossing the street! i do hope they learned a lesson from that. well done to you! =)
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@AmbiePam (86277)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I would urge you to contact the child welfare authorities. This may not be the first time the family has neglected their child. And it makes me think there is more stuff going than just the awful thing you saw.
• United States
8 Sep 07
That is scary! I think I might be tempted to call social services. It seems strange that the little girl was the first one to come get him. Maybe the parents are just lax and allow the children to watch each other, which is a very big risk. And then again it could be a first time thing. Toddlers are very smart and can figure out how to work things just by watching other people do them. So, he could have let himself out, but you never know. I am glad that you guys were there to save him, though!
@alamode (3071)
• United States
8 Sep 07
You did the right thing... you saved him! Now they know that he wanders and will keep a closer eye on him. This could be the first time it happened, and I'm sure that the parents are still shaking, too! You'll never know all the details of why it happened, but know that YOU were put there today to help, and you did exactly what was needed!! Good job!!
• United States
8 Sep 07
drknlvly, I think what you did was very noble and I would have done the same thing. I probably would have called the police though, so they could investigate & see what was going on with the family to prevent this from happening again.