How good is Justin Henin Hardene?

@ram_cv (16513)
September 9, 2007 12:45am CST
Looking at her performance at US Open, she looks every part the female Roger Federer of tennis. He has the same grace and class as Federer on the Tennis field and does not cowe down to the more hard hitting players. Her match against Venus Williams was a classic example of beating the best at their best. Williams put up one heck of a fight, but Henin was just better. The final was just a stroll in the park for her. So what do you think of Henin? Cheers! Ram
4 responses
• Philippines
13 Sep 07
hi ram....before anything else..justine is no more hardenne..she's back as justine henin..on your question...Justine is far better than any other women's tennis player today..she may not have the power and the muscles of the williams sisters and amelie mauresmo, the height of sharapova and davenport...but she has the DETERMINATION to excel in her chosen sport..she has the most complete game in the others' observation she is the female version of roger federer..which is true..i strongly agree with thing more she's very tough mentally...more than anything else..she puts her mind, her heart and her spirit when playing at the court..she's even serious and focused during practice and training...just look at her majestic one hand's an eye candy to watch..and she's also a down do earth person, very humble...and gracious when she's defeated..(as compare to serena)...ei ram thank so much for the question i love answering such questio like that..
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
13 Sep 07
Thanks for updating the info on the hardenne part!! I was not aware of it. Yes, determination to excel is a key component which separates the champions from the also-rans. Cheers! Ram
@tonyllenium (6252)
• Italy
9 Sep 07
henin is a real champion!! she have not teh muscles of serena venus williams but i think she play the best tennis in the world now in the wta!!i think if she play as so she will be n.1 of the rank for much years because now player with such talent is difficult to see..may maria sharapova if she is on fit can treat her leadership!!
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
13 Sep 07
Sharapova over the last four grand slams seems to be more intent on her showmanship while Justine quitely goes about her game!! And yes you are right she does not have the muscles of VW yet can play the best tennis in the female section. Cheers! Ram
@teflon09 (208)
• India
9 Sep 07
Well said ram, Justine is very business minded, thoroughly professional and yes a brilliant exception to increasing glamor and drooping standards women's tennis. Her simple outfits outline her devotion to the game and least importance to extraneous things.. It is the attitude after all and she has plentiful of it.. Mike
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@ram_cv (16513)
• India
13 Sep 07
Truly said. I believe the hallmark of her game is discipline as well as athleticism which is amazing!! And yes grace and simplicity!! Cheers! Ram
• Philippines
27 Dec 07
Hello!!! Justin Henin is a brilliant tennis player.She has a powerful forehand, backhand and serve. She is very focus in her career.Very simple. Truly a professional.
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
27 Dec 07
I can't agree more. She is very simple and a great professional. Cheers! Ram