Do you bite your nails?

Do you bite your nails? - I don't bite nails since I was a child.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
September 9, 2007 9:21am CST
Do you find your fingers drifting into your mouth when you're nervous, anxious or just bored? Are your nails chewed to splinters or your cuticles gnawed to bleeding pulp? Nail biting is more than a bad habit. Doctors say it is one of the most common symptoms of stress or of an obsessive-compulsive disorder, especially for teenagers or younger children, and can lead to disfigurement and serious infection. Do you do this friends?
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22 responses
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
10 Sep 07
I used to but not anymore. I didn't bite them till they bled though for it was too painful but I bit them nonetheless. I haven't done so in gosh, about 25 years or so but my nails are so brittle that they tear and break easily. I can grow them only so long before they tear or break. Oh well, such is life, right?
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
10 Sep 07
My nails are like yours before, I fresh garlic and rub it into my nails since then my nails get stronger. I hope it works. Thanks have a nice day...
@sephrenia (567)
9 Sep 07
I bite my nails all the time! I'm terrible for it, I've even bitten through that polish you put on them to stop you doing it. I got so bad at one point that when they got too short to bite, I used knives to cut the nails even further to the point that they were almost as low as the cuticles. I've managed to let them grow a little but i still bite them terribly.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
9 Sep 07
Oh really maybe you got used to it. Did you never manage to stop it? Thanks for sharing have a nice day...
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
9 Sep 07
You must be thankful that your hubby is always around sometimes when it comes to habit you really never noticed your doing it until someone has to notice you.
9 Sep 07
No, I have never managed to stop biting my nails and I've tried lol. I think it's become such a habit now that my finger automatically make their way towards my mouth lol. My hubby is trying to break me of it by slapping my fingers if he catches me nibbling away and so far it seems to be working, at least when he's around lol. When he's not the biting begins again XD
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@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
9 Sep 07
I do all the time. A few months ago, I wasn't as stressed out and stopped completely. My nails and cuticles were back together, and then I started chewing on my thumbnail when it got broken and ragged and now I'm right back to square one. When I can afford it, I get false nails, since for a few weeks, I can't chew on my nails and after they come off I don't because I've trained myself that I can't. That only lasts for a few weeks, though. I find it's best to trim them really short so that there's nothing to chew on.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
9 Sep 07
Maybe you should try to continue to control the biting so that you can stop it completely. Thanks have a nice day...
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
10 Sep 07
I used to bite my nails but have long since broken the habit. It is true what the doctors say, your nail beds become open to fungal infections and it is a sign of stress or nervousness. I was like that as well, but I made myself stop, it took a long time to, but I did it. My daughter does this now and I have to constantly keep telling her to stop.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
10 Sep 07
Thanks yeah you must try to convince your daughter to stop coz of the dirt. Have a nice day...
• Singapore
10 Sep 07
I do bite my nails and I do that not because I'm nervous or stress. It's a bad habit that I had since I was young. Sometimes my fingers bleed when I bite them.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
10 Sep 07
Maybe you should try to stop it until your fingers get worst into wounds. Thanks have a nice day...
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
9 Sep 07
Hi lynboobsy11! That is good information and I know also that it is also a sign of insecurity and nervousness as I was told before. As for me, I don't bite my nails, never did and I guess never will. Although I have an aunt who does biteher nails to the point of bleeding sometimes. Take care and have a nice day.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
9 Sep 07
Ohh that's bad it may lead to serious wounds. Maybe you should try to remind her. Thanks faith have a nice day...
@Bbilal (1998)
9 Sep 07
Yes i do! It started when i scrached my boyfriends back. I, am tryen to quit but i havent yet! congrats to you though!
@venshida (4836)
• United States
9 Sep 07
No, I don't not even as kid.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Sep 07
When I was younger I use to bite my nails a lot during tests that would be given in school. These days, since I keep my nails cut really short, I don't have the problem of biting my nails when stressed or nervous.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
9 Sep 07
Good for you... Thanks have a nice day...
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
10 Sep 07
Oh yes, definantly, I have done this for many many years...I do it without even realising it...Its horrible..
1 person likes this
• Philippines
9 Sep 07
I did that but I stopped when I was in grade six. My mom used to nag about it. I don't how I managed to stop but I'm glad I did. =P
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
9 Sep 07
Congratulation to you... thanks have a nice day.
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
9 Sep 07
I would never try to bite my nails. It is often heard that people with quite a lot of tension in life would bite their nails. I am not devoid of lfe's innumerable tensions.Yet I would not bite my nails.
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@shiloh_222 (5479)
• Philippines
8 Nov 07
hi.. i dont bite nails or fingers... and i find it icky to do so... hahaha... i often wash my hands...
@dew431 (152)
• India
30 Oct 07
never,done so far.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
11 Sep 07
Yes I do only when I am tensed up. Otherwise in casualness, when I am, I peel off the dry skin on my lips. So much so, when my wife came to see me for the first time asked me whether I am suffering from leukoderma!!
@limcyjain (3516)
• India
29 Oct 07
No i dont bite my nails and neither do my daughters. Yes the habit if formed would be very unhygenic and surely wont be easy to overcome. It does reflect stress and exity of the individual and at the same time looks just too awkward.
@hemalover (829)
• Egypt
10 Sep 07
no i dont do this but i use something else i play with my hair when i get nervous .. i dont like to put my nails in my mouth becouse its get deseeses ans make us ill .
@MrPahn (173)
• Philippines
13 Sep 07
No I don't. I think it's gross to bite nails. Plus, it is also a bad habit
@eprado (1467)
• Philippines
13 Sep 07
Hello lynboobsy11, I used to do that when I was a child still studying in elementary. I remember during class or when I am doing nothing I'd just find myself biting on my fingernails. But I didn't chewed to splinters or my cuticles gnawed to a bleeding pulp. I have to agree the reason behind that was because I am anxious or just bored. I guess I have overcomed it when I was already a teenager in highschool. Since then I am not biting my nails anymore. :-)
@josuas1 (53)
• Indonesia
10 Sep 07
yes, sometimes i did that unexpectedly and i really want to stop it. do you have any solutions?