Do you like Webcams

Trinidad And Tobago
September 15, 2007 3:00pm CST
I honestly dont like webcams.What of you?
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4 responses
@Alex18 (169)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I love my webcam, i had never had one until i got my laptop which came with one built into it. I use it to chat with me gf who lives in the philippines while I live in the U.S. and to chat with my other good friend who lives in the philippines as well. So I love my webcam.
@Alex18 (169)
• United States
10 Feb 09
I had never had a webcam before i got my laptop. It has one built into it and i love it. I mostly only use it to chat with my gf in the philippines. I live in the U.S. and to chat with my other good friend who lives in the philippines as well. So i like my webcam, i dont use it to chat with random people that send me a message, just people i know well
• Malaysia
1 May 08
actually no, i dont really like webcams either. not really comfortable in using it i guess. my laptop at home has a built in camera and if those that i'm talking to request to see me on my webcam or something i'd decline. i dont think i look that presentable when at home haha!
@shorty08322 (1270)
• United States
31 Mar 08
i like it i have it to