Finding a sincere friend in today's world is almost impossible!

September 16, 2007 7:22am CST
I have come to this conclusion because all the friends I have made are not sincere with me and are selfish. If I need them, they are unavailable. Now a recent example on MyLot.Bluewaves make me friend only to respond and rate his discussion. Do you agree with me and have the same situation as I have?
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6 responses
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
27 Sep 07
hey.. i think that's unfair of what you said about bluewaves. i mean, we add friends here in myLot because we want them to respond to our discussions but not forced them to do so. and also, we add friends so we can always be updated on what discussions they have started and probably respond to it. but let us understand that all of our discussions, each others discussion, doesnt appeal to everybody. i mean, if some of my friends doesnt reply to my discussions, that's fine, i just think that maybe its not interesting enough for them. but that doesnt mean that i wont respond to their discussions. i am also free to select which discussions interest me and that's irregardless of whoever started it. i hope we all we be careful of mentioning names here coz we are all free to do whatever we want here in mylot as long as we are obeying the guidelines. and besides, not everybody is online everyday. i am not online everyday so i cant really respond to every messages or comments that i receive. i hope people wont take it against me coz i have real work too and i cant give all my time to myLot just to entertain everybody. ^__^ good day. ^__^
@lhykes (1)
• Philippines
16 Sep 07
i am just new here, and its really sad to know that it also hapens here,, nyway u can't please anybody,, as long as u are true to urself and sincere enough to the things u do,, theres no need to worry.. anywayz,, ITS THERE LOST, NOT YOUR'S!!!! :-)
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
16 Sep 07
Correct me if I'm wrong here, because I can't seem to get your point. You mean this member (bluewaves) made friend with you to just rate his discussion, is that it? But if that's the case, you do not deserve this person on your list. But if what you say is not true, then I believe I atleast deserve a BETTER explanation about this post of your's. Nobody should disctate another member on what to do here on mylot, anyone who solicits rates or "best response" marks should be reported to the admin.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
16 Sep 07
I have had that experience here on mylot. What I do is I just remove them from my friends list and move on. no need in concentrating on that kind of negativity. Concentrate your efforts on your good friends that are sincere, you will find that their friendship means a lot more to you!
@kitty1234 (1476)
• United States
16 Sep 07
Please don't judge all by a few bad apples! there are many good friends on Mylot and everywhere else. True friends are difficult to find but they are out there and we should never give up. Anyone wanting you to be used on Mylot should be reported! don't give up on making good and true friends!
• India
16 Sep 07
Its sad the state of this sorry world.But just don't give up hope.Be true to your friends and they are bound to be true to you. I consider myself rich as far as friends are concerned.I have really great friends and they have been with me when i needed them.