What vegetables you eat?

@raijin (10345)
September 17, 2007 4:11am CST
Do you like vegetables, do you always put some in yor everyday meal? Well vegetables are good source of vitamins, that help us live a healthy life. But I also noticed that others are not familiar of some vegetables, which makes me think if they bother to ask someone just incase they are served with vegetables they don't what is called. Or would you still eat them, since it is served or cooked for you? Would mind eating foods that is not familiar to you, those different recipes coming from different countries? What vegetables do you eat, you are familiar at and loves to always be served at you? Happy healthy eating, good day and enjoy postings!;)
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42 responses
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
17 Sep 07
We are basically vegetarins and all our side dishes we use vegetables and hence our consumption of vegetables is fairly more compared to those who eat non-veg. Besides vegetables, rice and wheat are our staple food. I love sandwiches and salad spreads. My favourite vegetables are carrot, cucumber, Lady's finger, bitter gourd, snake gourd, drumstick, beans etc.
4 people like this
• Philippines
17 Sep 07
hey ssh! how long have you been here? i am familiar with your avatar when i was new here. and now you are still here with more than 14000, i mean almost 15,000 posts! man! how much have you earned already? gee, you must have made a fortune already! congratuations! :-)
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
17 Sep 07
We also have rice here, as our staple food. We have home-grown bitter gourds here fresh from our backyard, we just sautee them together with beaten eggs and then eat along with rice.
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@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
17 Sep 07
i do eat vegetables... and my favorites was beans and eggplant... i love to eat them on sinigang and fried or grilled eggplant with bagoong wow! suddenly i miss it!
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
Yeah, you never know what you miss unless someone mentions them to you!;)
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
Well don't you dare think of coming back here without chocolates for me, I was thinking of "Koala" but I guess chocolates would do!;)
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
18 Sep 07
hahahahah yeah! and you always mentioned all the things i havent eat for a long time now pal! hahahaha you make me miss it lol
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@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
17 Sep 07
oh i love vegetables, too! i eat practically any kind, whether it is bitter or bland. i try to have my daily dose of vegetables because whenever i eat them, i feel healthy. or is psychological? hehehe anyway, i love broccoli, carrots, cucumber, eggplants, bittergourd, gourd, etc. etc. I like beans and bean sprouts, too. And of course, lettuce! and other salad vegetables. whatever they are, i will eat them! :-)
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
17 Sep 07
I guess every food has their own benefits, so I think they all have values -mentally and physically. I also love bean sprout, than those of mongo. Not because I have rheumatism, but I love it sauteed with tofu in it!LoL Good to know that you are not choosy in terms of eating your meal, same way as I do. Just eat, then maybe ask later!LoL
2 people like this
• Australia
18 Sep 07
I know we all need a healthy diet within our lives to keep our bodies in tip op shape !!I also love my vegetables , love them all beetroot , cabbage , turnip , potatoes , tomatoes , lettuce , carrots , cabbage , broccoli , beans , peas , mushrooms , celery , eggplants , alpha spouts , cucumber , corn , sweet potatoes , onions shallots , spring onions , squash , sprouts and sugar snap beans !! I guess there are too many to name is there !!
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Sep 07
As you know I grow a lot of vegetables in my gardens. So I eat a wide variety in the summer and fall months. Mostly tomatoes and zuchinni and cucumbers. My favorite meal is just a medium sized zuchinni cut into small slices. Then coated with an Italian spiced breading then deep fried in about an inch of Olive Oil till crispy brown. It's time consuming and a mess but very tasty though. then we all eat a tomatoa a day at least when they're ripe. I even eat a salted tomato for breakfast. I have tried various veggies that I had never tried before. Some I still eat and some I won't. Eggplant was one that I always though disgusting looking. But with it mixed with zuchinni, cauliflower, and potato slices deep fried and spices added it's a tsaty dish. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
Hey that's great GrandPa, I love zuchini too but that's expensive here when bought on grocery stores. Eggplant is natural here i our country, with two varities that I know. We also have grow them here in our garden, because we love eating eggplant omelette!;)
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
17 Sep 07
I love most vegestables and will eat whatever is on the table or given to eat for dinner. I would ask if I did not know what the vegetable was and most probably will try it. I like trying out different foods except if they are still moving LOL
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
Yep, but I don't see any vegetable that would actually move. Of course, except if it has worms in it!=) Eww! LoL
@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
17 Sep 07
Hi raijin. If there's a fan club for potatoes, then I'll be the President of that club!^_^ Of all the veggies that I eat, it's the number one for me. Because I have a weak spot for mashed potatoes with lots and lots of gravy.Yummmm! I also eat the green, leafy kinds. Actually almost every common veggies. You are right that about some unfamiliar veggies. I remember once when I was a kid, I have an aunt who came to visit us. She came from our province and brought lots of veggies with her. Her own backyard produce. My mother helped her cooked some and when they put the bowl in front of me, I thought they were going to let me eat a bowl of cactus!lol Well, that was I thought at first because it looked like cactus to me. But as it turned out, it was very delicious especially when it was cooked with coconut milk. I won't mind eating some unfamiliar foods UNLESS they are too spicy.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
I'm also for potatoes, I even make my very own hash brown here!;) When I'm not into rice, I'd prepare myself a potato fries. I cut them into whatever shapes I want them to, that sometimes I enjoyed doing it I forgot to cook them! Hehehe! It's always good to eat fresh, it's different from those bought on grocery stores!;) We have some veggies here, grown just right in our very own yard..
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
Hehehe! You can't just easily fool kids nowadays, they know what they are used to!;) I also love baked potatoes, mojo and those potato snacks!;)
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• Philippines
18 Sep 07
I like hash browns too. Sometimes, I buy some at the groceries and I get to eat it alone because my husband isn't that much fond of it. Now, with my son who's 4 yrs old, he's a die hard fan of french fries especially Jolly fries. He can even taste the difference! I can't fool him by giving him fries from other fastfood chains. ^_^
@seenoreen (559)
• Philippines
17 Sep 07
I like to eat vegetables but I don't have the time to prepare it as much as I want to. My favorite would be broccoli usually sauteed with garlice, it would be better if there are shrimps as well. I also like cabbage and carrots, beans and tomato.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
17 Sep 07
Well it seems that brocolli is the most popular vegetable here, as much as I don't eat much of them!LoL It's easy to prepare vegetables than any other food, you can always try salads if you don't have much time!;)
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@GardenGerty (158296)
• United States
17 Sep 07
I like vegetables of all kinds, we eat them often. Mostly raw when the weather is hot. We also try to explore new foods every week. Common here are peas, beans, corn, carrots, squash--several varieties--okra, tomatoes--which technically are fruit. I have also eaten jicama. We eat broccoli, brussel sprouts, and radishes, celery, and onions.Mild and hot peppers. Yes, vegetables are good for you.
@sophylline (1041)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
Oh, I just about eat any kind of vegetables. I love veggies. I eat them because basically I know they are very good for the health, have numerous things, wonders that could do to you and they simply taste great. I even eat most of the time bitter gourds, I think they taste yummy. My daughter eats it too and she's only 20 months old.LOL I know most kids don't like eating it, let alone even those any kind of vegetables.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
I learned eating bitter gourd when I was in high school already, because I really don't like it's taste most specially and the way they cook it. But now, I really know how to sautee them and I really like it when it's still crunchy and cooked exactly to my taste.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
24 Sep 07
Good health starts on home, as parents, we all have to do the first step in giving them the best in life!;)
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• Philippines
24 Sep 07
That's great that you eventually started enjoying eating bitter gourd. I think as a parent it is important that your child get used to eating different kinds of veggies so in order to continue this as a healthy lifestyle during the course of their adult life. This would greatly minimize a lot of diseases. I introduced my baby to lots of kinds of veggies since she started to eat solid food. So now people are amaze that she is not at all a picky eater! The way I do my bitter gourd is that I rub it with salt and store it in water so it won't be too bitter, then I also sautee mixed with egg and ground meat. yummy.
@msjigga (864)
• United States
17 Sep 07
I love to eat vegetables. I like to eat lots of salads, brocoli, spinach, carrots, greens, corn, potatoes. Spinach is my absolute favorite vegetable and I eat atleats 1 vegatable with every meal exact for breakfast.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
17 Sep 07
That's good, keep it up. As I've learned brocolli is packed with calcium rich vitamins, I don't much about spinach but ist is also good!;)
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@indiavani (863)
• India
18 Sep 07
Hello Raijin! I am a vegetarian, so I have vegetables in my lunch as well as dinner. We eat salads as well as cooked vegetables. We eat cooked vegetables with rice. About trying new recepies, I love trying new recepies although manytimes it happens that I don't like the taste of some recepies LOL!. vani ^_^
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
19 Sep 07
That's great, curiosity will somehow lead you to good things!;)
@youless (112222)
• Guangzhou, China
18 Sep 07
I like eating vegetables. Actually we will eat vegetables every time when we have a meal. It is essential to have it for the meal. I eat various vegetables except for the ones have bitter flavor.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
19 Sep 07
Yes, I usually add them on every meal we have. It's always nice to include vegetables in every dish, it's better than the usual "fried and soup" routine.
@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I really do not like much vegies and used to avoid it while a child but as usual my parets used to tell me many good thing about vegies so that i eat more and more. But from when i am moving here and there for jobs and etc and no more mom is requesting with her fantastic food as i am far away from her, i realize what i missed and now i have to cook and shop and do everything for eating and living so now i eat them all, eat everything. I really like eating new foods, we both me and my husband try many many foods what we have never seen before but just found somewhere ....
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
25 Sep 07
That's really nice of you my friend, we never know what we are missing so I guess you did the best you can to enjoy foods and also live a healthy life. It's always fun to try new thngs, especially on foods that we are not used to eat when growing up!;)
@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
Hello! When I was a kid I hated vegetables and I remember my mother forcing me to eat them. Eventually I have learnt to like them. Now, vegetables are a must in my every meal. If you'll ask me which one is my fave and the ones I eat, it'll be a long list, too many to mention *hihihi* I basically like almost every vegetables. If sometimes i'm being served with a dish that I have no idea what kind of veggie it is, I would ask first then try it, who knows, it might be nice. I actually love eating a big bowl of green leafy salad, just with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and some bits of ham. But there's one vegetable that I spat that my mother forced me to eat, it was okra..*wehehe* eewww...I just didn't like it at all and still don't like it. For me, it tasted like a saliva...slimy. Happy healthy eating to you too! *smile* ciao! =)
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
19 Sep 07
Just like you, I am not also into liking veggies when I was a kid. I only got interested in it through my friends, because they eat it and that I flet obliged to join them. I kinda dislike the taste first, but I got into it everytime my friends eat them. As for okra, it does produce that sticky thing. But I also learned to like it whenever they add it to sinigang and pinakbet, especially when it is cooked exactly to the texture I prefer them to be..
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
18 Sep 07
Hello raijin!!!!:):)I love vegetables and i always add some kind with our supper meal.I know most of all the vegetables on earth but there might be still a few that im not familar with.I would ask what kind of vegetable that it was and then try it.If i did not like it,i can easily not eat it.lol.Im always willing to try different food.I especially love brocolli.I cant get enough of it,raw or cooked.Also cauliflower,carrots,green beans,yellow string beans,potatoes,celery,tomatoes,peas,corn,pickles,onions,beats,spinach,lettuces,pumpkins,squash,turnip.I could go on and on but i will tell you the only ones i do not like are kidney beans,asparagus and brussle sprouts.They give me gas!!LOL.Bye,catch you later alligator!:):)
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
Yay! You are a certified vegan, we have also lots of them here but just don't know what most of them are called in english!;) But I know some of those you mentioned, with others not popularly known or grown in here..
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@ranitam22 (1146)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Yes I usually try to have some type of vegetable with my dinner if nothing else. I love brocolli and cheese, baby carrots, cabbage, greens, potatoes, lettuce. Really I guess I can eat pretty much any type of vegetable except probably okra and cauliflower.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
We're used of okra here, we grow them here in our garden too!;) Cauliflower is expensive here, since they come from far places then delivered on markets. I enjoy eating both of them, as well as those others you've mentioned.
@maybebaby (1230)
• Canada
18 Sep 07
I love vegtables and I try to make sure I have them with every meal. I like them cooked or raw. I really like when you get sweet corn on the cob with some melted butter. Or broccoli in a cheese sauce.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
I love broccoli in a cheese sauce, it's crunchy and saucy at the time too..
• Australia
18 Sep 07
I quite like some vegies and I am always up for trying new foods from all different countries. We usually eat carrots, potatoes, celery, mushrooms, corn, snow peas, brocolli and I always grate a few zucchinis in with minced meat dishes. There used to be some vegies I really couldn't eat when I was younger because the taste of them would make me gag but as I have got older I have grown to appreciate them in certain circumstances - like for example cabbage in soups is nice but I don't like it just plain and boiled, pumpkin soup and pumpkin scones are really nice but I really can't stomach baked pumpkin. I would definately be up for trying all sorts of vegies from different countries, at the moment I am experimenting cooking stir fry dishes with chinese vegetables, they are cheap, healthy, fresh tasting and a lovely green - whats not to love!
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
Indeed, what's not to love?!=) I think aside vegeteables are also the most easiest meal to prepare, easy to find too!;)
@sexylc (501)
• United States
17 Sep 07
I eat vegetables like corn! beans! and others that isn't familiar to me! us long us they cook and serve in table.I will take a grab to bite! I'm not really picky about food! vegetables is good for our health so why not eat.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
That's true, we don't have to deprive of ourselves that will simply make us healthy.
@arwd997 (25)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I like vegetables. I admit that I need to eat hem more. My 10 year old loves salads and most vegetables. I don't mind trying new foods. Recently, I tried asparagus for the first time and I thought that it would be nasty. Turns out, that asparagus is really good steamed. It proved to my kids that just because you think you won't like something, you should try it anyway. You may like it!
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
19 Sep 07
Asparagus produces a strong odor, but it does taste good and it it absolutely healthy!;)