need advise about my job

September 17, 2007 8:32pm CST
ok, i got stuck in my office at now. from the beginning, my boss never giving us the clearly structure and job description. i already asked him but he always thousand reason whenever we talking about this. something sure, he gives me lots of task and responsibility than others. Whenever there is any changing of company policy, he will call me to discuss for sure. unfortunately, he didnt socializised it to others. that only others knowing, i got so many task from our boss. and to assist me, he recruits new employee to be my assistance. again, he didnt say anything to others, so i explained to all the position of this new employee. The problem started arising when i complaint to my assistance about her unproperly task that she done. others felt that i supposed not do that coz ,in my guessing of their opinion, this person is similiar position with others. now my assistance quit job without clearly reason. and others seem blame on myself regarding this matter. it made me had uncomfortable working situation here. now, should i tell the boss about this matter or anything else that i should do for returning back the condition?
7 responses
• China
19 Sep 07
It might be a complex situation, sorry i never get stuck in such situation. but i have some opinions, u can think about it. Try ur best to deal with your work perfectly,don't care about your boss's complain. Boss always think about himself. PLS don't complain too much with your colleague.When people change their thoughts about, you can quit and find another good job. Even you quit, I think most of people will think you are the best one in office.
• Indonesia
19 Sep 07
thank you for giving your comment in here :)
@edgar1868 (204)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
I can't promise you that this is the best answer in the world but as far as I know, before you can probably work effectively and efficiently, you must first have a plan. That plan is ideally based on your objective for the day, week and month, etc. By accomplishing your objective, you will then achieve you GOAL. It will be very difficult for you to even come out with a plan if in the first place, you don't have a sense of direction since your job description is not clear. Here's what you can probably do: 1. Set clear expectations. Ask your boss what he expects from you so that you can also let him know what you expect from him and what you expect from the company.(Unclear job description exposes you to endless multitasks and gives your boss the freedom to assign anything to you.) 2.Your company's organizational structure must be very clear. 3.Encourage communication. New policies, concerns,memos,updates,etc. must be constantly communicated to everybody.(If your company has a handbook on Company work rules and regulations, you ask for a copy). 4.Set clear and specific goals and objectives you that you will be properly directed in your work.(This will be your standard. Ask your boss also if he has prepared his standard for you to work on.) 5.Have a daily workplan. 6.Align your daily plan or tasks to your objectives. 7.Execute your plan well. 8.At the end of the day, try to evaluate your output by comparing it to your boss's standard. You need to do this so that you will know whether you are doing your job effectively and so that you will know your competency. 9. Ask your boss to evaluate or rate you periodically. If he discovers some flaws in your job, then for GOD's Sake that is his job in the first place to coach and train you so that you will improve your competency. 10. Nothing can motivate you more than a good appraisal and a good constructive feedback from your boss. 11. Nothing is more satisfying or fulfilling than in knowing that you accomplished your plan effectively in a day. Good luck. Don't resign yet. Just do 120% in your current job because if you look for another job, you will still deliver 120% of effort because you will again want to prove to your new employer that you can do the job effectively.
• Indonesia
19 Sep 07
you are right. but the problem is since i worked here, i already asked my boss to give detailed job description about my position and others. but he always avoiding it and about plan,how could i make my daily plan if my tasks is not given clearly?
@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
18 Sep 07
im so sorry hear about your job, so many bosses out there that do this to their employees, i think you need to talk to the other employees and get their insight on things, then keep trying to sit down with your boss and talk through your problems, i would also advise you, start looking for another job as things at times get dirty in workplaces and then you dont want to be unemployeed.
@pismeof (855)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Plum,It's simply sounds like a management skill. A new skill that you may need to learn and impliment.Read books on how to delegate to others and how to motivate people. Learning how to manage others is a skill that is learned just like typing or mechanics or cooking.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
18 Sep 07
I do not envy the job situation you are in. Your boss is either a very disorganized person, or he is highly dependent on you. I believe the latter is more the case. This can be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. It is good in the sense that you are more highly regarded over other employees, and so he delegates more responsibility to you. That can make you more important and valuable, and that can translate to more increments or promotion over time. But it is bad when he keeps things to between him and you, and the other employees are out of the picture. They may think you are trying to gain favour with your boss when you are given more jobs or your boss discloses things only to you and not the others. It may sow jealousy among your peers and colleagues, and affect your relationship with them. Since you said your boss never defines your job description, any work can be passed on to you. As a result, you may end up being overworked while others are not. I think it is best under the circumstances to speak to your boss about your concerns, and ask that he defines things more clearly to you as well as your colleagues as far as job responsibilities in the office is concerned.
• China
18 Sep 07
it might be annoyed when u meet this is complicated.always,we think workplace is a polictial place full of fight and stuggle.of course,it can't be read clearly.but u can feel it. we call it "wars without smoke". u should be careful. be smart and sensitive,do sth before you think carefully.try to talk to you colleagues,let them know u conditions.and get some help from u boss.
• Indonesia
18 Sep 07
ya, its really annoying my working concentration. i have tried to explan them but seem they ignorance. i think i should share this situation with my boss, am i right?
@rinaaus (1201)
• Australia
18 Sep 07
First I can tell you I have been in this situation, exactly like what you described here! I had to quit the job after all troubles that had happened for me. No one was responsible for those troubles except me. My boss blamed me, but my staff did not hate me and I really hate my boss. He is so smart, he put all the problems for me. Everything is bad that is my responsibility, all tasks were successful complete that was his working. He never explain clearly about the tasks, he let's me assume. If i complete the task, it was his ideas. If not, it was my faults. So for your advise, you are better make clear every tasks with your boss and your staffs like: - What is it? - How to do it? - Who do it? - When is the date line? - How is the report? who will report to whom? If your boss promises you something, you have to chase him until you get what you want or until he complete his promise. Hope my tips can help you!