How Much Do We Earn For Each Post !!!

@saunty (604)
September 20, 2007 6:42am CST
For each post we make to any of the discussion how much money we are paid for that? and if we make any comment on any of the post then how much we are paid...and whats the amount that we are paid for each of the post we get in any of our discussion.... can any one plz help...
5 responses
@nyumix (1658)
• Belgium
21 Sep 07
I think you will get only a little money to post here in mylot. How much they pay per post is depending on what you are posting in. If you only post short one, probably you will only get a little,at least you need to post about three lines of each post here. But still you will not get big money here. i like to post here not because of the money that I will earn but it mostly because I can join the community for some discussion of topics.
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@saunty (604)
• India
21 Sep 07
yah !! you are quite right , this community work is really very interesting, moreover they are even paying u with this, thats their credit, but still , can u please sugges me any such site where i can earn more by acting as a editor or something....
@dopey22girl (3319)
• United States
20 Sep 07
It's hard to say, and nobody knows the exact answer to that. If you give a good sized response, such as the one I am giving now, it is about 1 cent per post or comment, or a little less....yesterday for example I made about 57 comments/posts, and earned 41 cents. You aren't going to make a ton of money here at mylot, but it is worth the time I think, and it is fun to post as much as possible in one least for me. Today I started with my number being 2353, and now look where I'm at!
@saunty (604)
• India
21 Sep 07
Ohh !! for 57 comments u made only 41 cents...?? dont u think its little less according to effort u gave. Atleast u should have get 1$ for this much of effort....but its good to know that ur mottive is not just the money rather ur njoying in here thats the most important thing....keep earning...bbye
@smartnrich (1067)
• Malaysia
4 Oct 07
its no specific earning could we comfirm about this thing, its depend on you queastion, reply from others and the quality of your discussion. But its till so hard to making money with just this forum
• Philippines
25 Sep 07
Hi there buddy, what's up? Well, we can earn more than 1cent for every response we made to every discussions. We can also earn more than 1cent for every discussion we posted, plus more earning that would added in our earnings if we get many responses in our own discussion. The more the responses we get, the more earnings we get. I just don't know how much we can earn from the responses we get in our discussion. Plus, we can also earn 1cent for every photo we upload everyday. However, there's a limitation of uploading photos everyday, like we can upload 10photos everyday. Hope it helps and cleared your mind my dear. Have a nice day ahead and happy posting and earning here in myLot. Ciao! Kiko
@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
24 Sep 07
Hi saunty.. Greetings! Well me too i really dont know how much exactly will you earn per post but as i know.. its all again very much depends on the quality of the post and your response. I like MyLot very much.. simple because i can share my ideas with other.. and i at times get some additional knowledge too from others. to earn money.. well just to inform you this site just paying you something for you to participate but if you really want to earn some good monthly income.. you have to join some site for you to earn you monthly income. Even here too you can earn big monthly income.. but it depends how much referrers you have. I knew a few sites..that pays good income.. private msg me.. if you are keen. Oh yes add me as you pal..too so i can give you some tips too..