My son sprained his ankle...

@OURDEW (4809)
United States
September 25, 2007 8:22am CST
Yesterday after school he was playing basketball like he does every day but this time I had to take him to the emergency room because he injured his foot. He couldn't put any pressure on it and it was very swollen. He had x-rays taken and they said he didn't break it but badly sprained his ankle. Today he went to school with crutches. Have you ever sprained your ankle or had to use crutches for any reason?
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11 responses
• Canada
25 Sep 07
Hi OURDEW! I can honestly say that no I have never had to use crutches, and I have never sprained an ankle either. The only bones I have broken are my baby toes on each foot at different times of course. They can't do anything for a broken baby toe, it just turns a lot of funky colours and heals on it's own.
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• Canada
25 Sep 07
P.S. Oops! Where are my manners lol. I got so caught up in answering the question I forgot to add that I hope your son feels better soon!
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• Canada
27 Sep 07
Because it was the baby toe it wasn't too bad, but it made walking a BIG chore lol. The yuckiest part was watching it turn all kinds of funky colours. Your Friend, PurpleTeddyBear ;)
@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
26 Sep 07
Thank you. A broken toe, I bet that hurt. Ouch
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I sprained my ankle back in the 80's. I also ended up in the emergency room. The emergency room I went to enterance was up a slope so I had to send a friend in to get permission to park up in the doctor's area because I sure wasn't going to be WALKING up that hill! I got to borrow a wheelchair from my office because I lack up torso strenght to do a lot of "crutching" around. I had "lots" of fun the day my former roomie locked us out of the house! Had to borrow a pry bar from the people across the street & stand on a folding chair to get into the house. I FORBADE her to ever lock the knob again. I told her that if she EVER locked the knob I was going to RIP the locking nob off the house! Now I have a closet knob on the front door so it will never happen again!
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@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
26 Sep 07
I wonder why the emergency room enterance was up a slope, that's crazy! Thanks for your story.:)
@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I sprained my ankle badly once when I misjudged a step while leaving my friends house and fell into the yard. I was about 8 months pregnant at the time, so I guess I was off-balance! Luckily the baby was not hurt. I still have trouble with that ankle once in a while if I turn my foot funny, nothing serious, just a twinge. I didn't bother with crutches, though, since I wasn't working at the time and didn't have to go out much. I just hobbled around the house.
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@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
9 Oct 07
I'm sure glad you didn't hurt the baby, I bet you were scared.
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
25 Sep 07
well first of all i just want to say i hope you son feels better and recovers quick.i never had that happen to me,but this month is a bad month with spraining and breaking nephew broke his ankel in football practice a few weeks ago and my niece just broke her finger playing basketball 2 weeks ago.its so crazy how they can get hurt so quick and then have to suffer with casts and crutches and stuff.thats probaply the worse part with those darn crutches,especially getting use to them,omg i would be all over the place with them and im short so i would new small ones i guess.i hope he gets better soon and give him a hug.pattie
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@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
26 Sep 07
thank you, I think he will. I hope your nephew and your neice are feeling better. :)
• United States
26 Sep 07
several years ago, I done something amazingly stupid, and in hindsight, I guess out of that stupidity I learned in hindsight to think before you act. My ex-husband and I decided we were going to ride double on a Honda 185S three wheeler, he was driving and I was dumb enough to ride behind him. He took a curve to fast which shifted my weight, as I wasn't expecting it, and the three wheeler rolled over onto my right ankle breaking it in 2 places. For 8 weeks I had a cast on my leg from the knee down, and it was miserable since it was the middle of the summer, but I got what I deserved. I think the crutches caused me more irritation than the cast did!
@imgcul (110)
• Taiwan
9 Oct 07
yes, i had sprained my ankle twice in a term. the all happened when i played baskeball. but i had not go to the hospital and i don't know if there is a fracture. i didn't worry about it, i was fine after one week. i only hurt my parenchyma not the bones.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Sep 07
Yes I have sprained my Ankle a couple of times and it does hurt lol I hope his Ankle will get better soon
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@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I've sprained my ankle, but I used a cane. I have used crutches at other times though. The last time I sprained my ankle, it hurt so bad I almost threw up. That to me was a sign to go to the hospital, because my previous sprained ankles had never done that. So they put me in a boot after doing X-rays and I used a cane my grandpa had given me. It had a horn to toot if anyone was in my way, and a bell to ring if I didn't want to use the horn. : )
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Ouch! I hope your son's ankle heals soon! I never had to use crutches (knock on wood), but my husband did several years ago. He had ripped his Achilles tendon due to a faulty weight machine at the gym. He had a cast all the way up to his hip and of course he had to use crutches during that time. The doctor did an excellent job and my husband barely notices it now. Had my husband not had the surgery he would have had a bad limp for the rest of his life and he would not have been able to continue in his line of work (home construction).
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• India
25 Sep 07
Hi!Well, accidents like this do happen at times.Do not panic.To reduce the swelling,immerse the leg in hot water first & then cold water alternately a few times.Then rub some tamarind in the sore area. Now apply a paste of HONEY mixed with turmeric.After it dries a little,tie it up with crepe bandage.While sleeping, keep his leg in a higher position of 45degrees minimum, on a pillow.This is in addition to the doc's prescription.Wishing your son a very speedy recovery. GOD BLESS!!
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• United States
25 Sep 07
I sprung my ankle when I was a young girl arould 11 or 12. I didn't uses crutches. If I remember correctly if I had to go anywhere a family member assisted me. I also brke one of my toes as an adult. I was given a walker to use at this time.
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