My visit to The White House

The White House - The White House from about 20 feet away.
@ebusaf (329)
United States
September 27, 2007 9:54am CST
Although I wasn't able to go in the White House, just standing on the outside of it a great distance away, I felt really weird and eerie. Not in a spooky sense, but i was almost fearful to be around it for too long.There were a lot of suspicious looking people around, and maybe I was just being paranoid who knows. Has anyone ever been to the White house? How did you feel while you were there?
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1 response
• United States
23 Mar 08
my wife and i have had the pleasure to have been in the White House..the head cook at the time was a pinoy and my wife is a chef too so we had a few perks with staying there. Also my wife spent several months working for RD Peeples II taking care of RD Peeples III as she was his nany when he was a new born I got to stay in their home..but i took advantage of the surrounding area and spent a lot of time in Georgetown and China Town and also the various buildings and of course Arlington. There is nothing spooky about the White House but it seems the rooms are smaller then you would think..and I was in the oval office and seen Bill Clinton and played with his dog..but that was because my Senator is the Honorable John Dingell and he was a friend of Bill and Hilary...' Washington is the city of southern effieciency and northern hospitality