where would you want to go?

October 6, 2007 6:58pm CST
if time machine was devised, and you could go back to anytime in history, or go forwards to anytime in future. where would you go? go back to have your life again or go forward to see what you life will be?
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2 responses
@Nivek13 (124)
7 Oct 07
for me i would go back to the past and see how creatures and humans were formed hehe.. like the dinosaurs and everything like that.. i also want to go to the future and see what's goin on with the life by then.. but that's kinda impossible to happen..
• United States
7 Oct 07
I would like to go back to the medievil days when they had castles and carriages. The swords and the knights, etc. Mainly because I really love their outfits the ladies wore beautiful dresses and corsets! Why don't we still wear them lol? Also because they were very family oriented back then and you would have servants, etc to help you (well only if your a queen or king)
• Philippines
7 Oct 07
me?? uhhhm i don't know, maybe i will be in the past where God is still creating the earth for i love to witness how he did it hehehe, but for now, nah! i'm contented with whre and who i am now.