Do you know how much you weigh?

@claire03 (1443)
United States
October 8, 2007 1:05pm CST
People gain or lose weight, so i am curious to know if you still know how much you weigh right now. About me, i think i gained a little weight, i was 98 lbs before and now i'm 106 lbs. i think that would be enough weight for me, i don't want to gain more weight cause i'm happy with my body now, it's not skinny and not fat. it's jst regular size and shape. How about you? Do you know how much you weigh? do you want to lose or gain weight? tell us why.
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40 responses
@Lifeless (2635)
• India
9 Oct 07
Yeah, I very well know hom much I weigh... I weigh 84 kg presently, and I consider this a little overweight, coz my tummy is bulging out.. I need to keep a strict control on my diet from now on, otherwise I am not too far away from that dreadful 100 kg...
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@patgalca (18206)
• Orangeville, Ontario
8 Oct 07
Before I had children I was about 125-128 pounds. When I was nine months pregnant with my second daughter I weighed 172 pounds. After she was born I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Through medication and lack of activity I actually found myself weighing 170 pounds. When my Dad got diagnosed with diabetes I knew I had to do something. Through walking, cutting back on sugar, drinking water and currently drinking Slimfast shakes for breakfast, I have lost weight and am now down to 132 pounds. At almost 45 years of age I don't expect to get down to the 125 I was in high school but it does look like it might actually be possible. I'm still working on it. At least if I get down to 125 and then gain 5 pounds back, I will still be comfortable with me. It's a bummer, though, not having any clothes to wear because I can't afford to buy new ones.
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@patgalca (18206)
• Orangeville, Ontario
8 Oct 07
I don't weigh weigh 125 pounds YET! I'm still working on it. And believe me, the weight loss didn't happen overnight. I initially lost about 30 pounds but then stresses from deaths in the family caused me to gain 10 back. But I have managed to bring it back down, and then some. I am really pleased with that.
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@claire03 (1443)
• United States
8 Oct 07
ic. so you are now 132 pounds? i hope you'll get your desired weight. yah, problems can also cause you to gain weight because of the stress and some tend to eat more than they should because they like to forget their problems. so slimfast really works good? staying healthy is really important, and since your dad was diagnosed with diabetes, you have to be careful of what food you eat. Take care and Godbless!
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@claire03 (1443)
• United States
8 Oct 07
wow, you lost a lot of weight, from 170 pounds going down to 125 pounds. that's a big difference there. at least your diet works good for you. Not having any clothes that fits you anymore is the usual problem we encounter once we change weight, i didn't have that kind of problem since i don't gain or lose too much weight. Hope you'll stay healthy through exercise and balance diet. God bless! :)
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@limcyjain (3516)
• India
9 Oct 07
yes i do know my weight as i have a weighing machine at my home which i use to keep a check on my weight. I have been trying lately to reduce my weight as i feel i have gained some extra weight which i need to shed to be back in perfect shape. I am using a homeopathic medicine apart from yoga and home therapies for the same.
@stella1989 (2274)
• India
9 Oct 07
Oh..nice discussions people don't generally disccss about there weight in open..:D I am ok with it. My weight is 62 kilograms..!! People really raise there eyebrows after hearing my weight!!! Cause i don't really look that heavy..! but they satisfy themselves because of my hieght..!! Normaly girls in my country weigh not more than 50 ...but may be cause of my height I weigh more.I am totaly ok with it as I have good figure...I don't look fat at all.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
9 Oct 07
Hmmm. not bad, ur weigh is really more as compare to average weight but its OK, if look slender, whats ur height by the way, i think ur fan club will be increasing day by day
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• India
9 Oct 07
ha ha height is 5 feet 8 inches..!! And fan haan!! I still look very slim..though!! :)
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@meemingNEW (2226)
• Philippines
8 Oct 07
Hi there claire! :) Just like you, I gained some weight recently.. but unlike you, you gained just about 8 pounds.. Last summer (April/May), my weight was about 110 pounds and now, I weigh in about 125 pounds! :( Huhu. I really gained a lot. Even some of my clothes won't fit anymore. And my pants, that's one of my problems now. I definitely have to lose some weight or else I have to buy lots of new pants in the coming months. And yeah, your weight is just right. You just have to maintain it. :) By the way, I think I'm a bit overweight for my height 5'5. Anyway, let's keep our bodies healthy by eating the right foods and less coke/pepsi. :) Best of luck!
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@claire03 (1443)
• United States
8 Oct 07
hi meemingNEW, you gained 15 pounds, that's not that bad at all, you can still lose weight if you want. i don't gain to much weight so my pants and clothes still fits me, though some gets a little tight on me. eating healthy and non fatty foods can help you lose weight. you can easily do it if you really want to. have a nice day!
2 people like this
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
Yeah. It's a matter of discipline as what my mother would always tell me. That's one thing that I have to really do, to prevent myself from eating fatty foods such as french fries which I just ate a few hours ago.. Lol.. Every week, about 3-5 days, I eat french fries at McDonalds for my midnight snack. I have to really change my eating habit. And I have to lessen drinking coke. :)
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@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
9 Oct 07
At present, I weigh 115lbs. I used to be thinner than this like I was 105-110 when I was in college. Now, I am 23 and I am trying my best not to gain more. Well, my hubby said my weight is not bad for my 5'3" height.
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• United States
9 Oct 07
lol no it's deffinatley not! I'd love to be 115 again. :) I'm just shy of 5'3"
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@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
9 Oct 07
you're right crazed_moma. I actually check it with the tabulated equivalent weight and height and I am just doing fine. However, right now I am working to reduce more. I would love to go back to 110lbs. I hope I can do it. I know you can too!
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Oct 07
Yup i weight 169 which is to much for me after my wreck i was doen to 160 and now that i'm drinking dr peppers again i'm gaining it back
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• United States
9 Oct 07
I do know how much I weigh right now. I am actually in the normal weight range for my height. I do want to lose a few more pounds though. I used to weigh 110 before I got pregnant but I know I'll probably never get back to that again.
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
9 Oct 07
Yes I know how much i weigh. No I'm not going to tell you. ha ha. I'd like to lose weight. I still had baby weight from my second child when I got pregnant with my third. I had him 2 months ago so now I'm trying to lose the rest of the weight from him plus the weight from the second one. I'm 5 pounds away from what i weighed when i got pregnant with the third so i'm making a little progress.
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• Australia
9 Oct 07
I am about 155lbs and i am happy with my body build but just wish i could slim my face abit
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@youless (112190)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Oct 07
I think right now my weight is about 47 KGS. I think it's still better for me to gain some weight. Perhaps 50 KGS will be better for me. But it is not easy for me to gain some weight.
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@Alin88 (2)
• Norway
9 Oct 07
I never gain weight no matter what I eat!!! Idon't know why I just that's how my body works..but I'm pretty bodered by this thing. I weigh 63 kg and my height is 185 cm!! Could you give me some advice on what should I eat or do?
@mitzwu (214)
• Taiwan
9 Oct 07
??! a gain weight since i give birth lol and i dont like it make look small than im thin because my height lower than 5feet so not look good.and now im trying to lose weihgt now doing excercise 2times aweek in 30min. so now i lose 1kls.
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@kwenge (2487)
• Kenya
9 Oct 07
I used to be 98 lbs two years back but now i have added 50lbs more, and since the beggining of the year i have maintained my weight. My body regulates itself without even me dieting. The most weight i can reach is 150 lbs and I always feel when my weight goes up and by not taking two lunches, the weight goes down. I dont excercise at all, maybe a walk in the park
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@lyndee22 (1210)
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
I maintain my weight within the bracket of 112 to 116 lbs which is my heaviest with my height of 5'2", it is just normal. Of course I still want to reduce some weight but it is not easy to do and my present weight is already ideal to me.
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@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
9 Oct 07
yes i know.. my weight was always 40... it never changed... before on my college days i was 39 coz i used to be a cheer dancer and now i am 40 and it never increase.
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@ericajoyce (1746)
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
I think I lost weight which Im a bit disappointed about because when I was in college I gained at 105lbs. That was the first time that I reached 100 pounds because when I was younger I used to weigh around 90. When I started working I lost weight. Im desperate to gain weight. Ive been eating and eating but nothing happens. I think Im underweight because now I weigh at 95 pounds.
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@shadowing (308)
• Malaysia
9 Oct 07
Hi Claire. Well, I am 106 lbs too! Haha. Anyway, I am not going to gain or lose any weight, just happy with it.
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• China
9 Oct 07
I am 101.5Ibs,I want to lose weight,because I am not very tall,I think if I am 98Ibs,I will be happy,Hum,maybe I like thiner than before.Good luck,god bless.
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@prazad (281)
• India
9 Oct 07
60 Kg.
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