How much you value your family..?

@Philxav (733)
October 9, 2007 6:11am CST
Family is very important for me. My wife and my kids is my life...I will try do do anything just to make sure my family in safe,happy and healthy. I feel they are the most important people and i will sacrifice what i have just to make them happy. I will make sure that i have some time to spend with them.. to talk to them and be with them. How about you.. how much you value your family in your life?
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19 responses
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
I can tmake a value for my family because for me theyso very special for me because they are the one who guide in the right path and also they are the one who help me in all my problem they are the who are always ready to supportme all my decision that they thought that good for me. For me I cant change them with money because of there support and love that they showed to me. Nothin can change my love for them. And I will fight until my last breath for them, No matter what hapopen.
@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 07
thanks for your response pal. They really love you so much as much as you do.
• China
9 Oct 07
I think my family is the most important part in my life,I love my family,I will try my best to make my family happy as what you do.I usually spend much time in talking with them,I like such time,I love my family more than love anything else.
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@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 07
Yes, spending even a little time with your loved ones.. is very precious. You need to do that.. to keep your relationship glowing. Thanks for your response pal..
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@lyndee22 (1210)
• Philippines
15 Oct 07
My family is very important to me. They are my life. I can't go on wihtout their support. They are my backbone. I always wanted to stay with them, even living with them forever. I can sacrifice even my last cent, last breath for them. I do everything I can to make them happy.
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@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
17 Oct 07
Its the most valuable thing you offer to your family. That is so nice of you. Thanks for your reply.
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
I value my family a lot. They are the most important people for me, too. Actually, my life revolves around them, I can say. And now that our family is growing, I am learning to adjust and start to care for them as well. The reason why I work so hard is that I want my parents to live a comfortable and fulfilling retirement. I want them to feel that they have done right in raising us up. They have done so much for me and it's now time for me to repay them. I'm always indebted to them. I put them first before me.
@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 07
thanks for your response tintin. good to hear that you are now beginning to care for your family. That is nice of you.. working hard to keep your parents happy. I'm sure you will make them happy and i'm sure they are proud of you. God bless you
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
i love my family so much, i can do everything.. i can even sacrifice anything for my family. and now that my dad is gone i want to prove to them that i can support them
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@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 07
Hey my friend.. that is one kind of challenge you take to prove how caring are you towards your family. I salute you pal.. wish you all the best.. May the God be with you and guide you always. Thanks for your response pal.
• Philippines
13 Oct 07
my family are my life and everything, no words can describe it.. am so blessed for having them..
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@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
17 Oct 07
Praise the Lord. Its really a wonderful and exclusive Gift that God give us. Oh yes.. to those who value them.. we are really blessed to have them. Happy posting pal. God Bless All of you.
@biggerb (2024)
• India
15 Oct 07
My family is very important for me.For me my family represents the most basic foundation of my life.Their happiness,success and well being are my priorities.I will do anything to keep them happy.
@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
17 Oct 07
Oh yes pal.. i do agree with your comments. Thanks for your reply. Happy posting.
• United States
9 Oct 07
My family are my workld, I do as much as I possibly can even to the point that I have them all spoiled rotten including my other half LOL. If anything happened to one of them I would probably lay down and die too.
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@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 07
thanks for your response mshogrider. i got what you mean.. yeah.. if they are not around you.. you feel empty.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
10 Oct 07
When I grew up I lived about one and a half hours from my mum and two hours away from my sister. Two years ago we all moved to a new area. Now we are so much closer together. I see them quite a lot. My sister got married and then had four children. It is lovely to see them grow up without a distance being in the way. My family are very important to me.
@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
11 Oct 07
Thanks for your reply maximax. Yes its is really very nice to see the people we are close grow up in front our very own eyes.
• Pakistan
10 Oct 07
i haven't got married yet, hoever by looking at my father i see that to him family is everything to him as he do sacrifice everything for us.
@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 07
Oh you have a good dad.. Pray for him.. Thanks for your response my friend
@foxygirle (376)
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
I am forever grateful that i have a loving mom and a dad that is a good provider. A understanding and caring sister and two good brothers. Though we are not as close as my mom's family, i can rate our relationship as 7 since we dont fight and we keep in touch with each other from time to time. I am also blessed with a good husband whom we have a common interest and passion in our hobbies. And a 5 year old daughter who is a Gift from God. Yes, my family meant so much to me, i dont know what i will be without them. Though its not a perfect family, I'm still thankful that God gave them to me.
@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
17 Oct 07
That is really very nice.. oh this is beautiful world. Thanks for sharing about your family. God Bless all of you.
• Philippines
15 Oct 07
Hi! I value my family more than myself. It is through them that I feel the meaning of my existence here on earth. Am trying to mold a family whom I can present to my Creator, here they are my God, the fruits of my labor while on eatth...
@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
17 Oct 07
thanks for your response islandrose. Its so nice of you to value your family such. Surely GOD will bless you and your family.
@prazad (281)
• India
10 Oct 07
My family is very valuable for me.. now a days i am not spending time with them for that i am feeling very bad.
@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 07
Hi my friend.. better do something before its too late. They need your presence and you too show them that you care for them. God BLess
@prazad (281)
• India
10 Oct 07
thank you, yes i have to do something. !
9 Oct 07
my family mean everything to me i have a debilitating illness and without them i dont know how i would cope id do anything for them
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@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 07
Oh i'm sorry to hear about your illness. Thank God you have such a wonderful family. Pray for them.. and for their happiness.. May God will heal you my friend. Thanks so much for your response.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
9 Oct 07
Family is extremely important to me BUT in my life "family" is NOT the ppl I am legally related to....My husband, children and dearest friends are my family and I love them as such....My "legal" (parents, siblings etc) family isnt important to me at all..nor I to them..
@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 07
thanks for your response my friend. oh yes.. i agree with you nothing like your immidiate family.. i mean your hubby, children and dearest friends.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
10 Oct 07
I value my family very much. They are my world. I try to make them happy and provide whatever i can for their happiness.
@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 07
HI Subha.. Greetings! Thanks for your response.. Oh yes.. i'm sure they are proud of you. Keep up you good intentions for them. God Bless
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
17 Oct 07
Hello Philxav, My family is the most important in my life. I love my husband and my son very much and like you, am willing to sacrifice for the sake of their happiness. I value the family life so much that I won't trade it with anything else in life.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
My very own family is very important to me. it is my life now. Everything i am doing is for them. They are my priorities. I am doing what I am doing because of them. I value them like the way I value my life.
@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 07
I can see how important are them to you. Keep loving and caring them always. Thanks for your response pal
• China
10 Oct 07