how do you save your money

@paintwet (165)
October 9, 2007 10:02pm CST
i think in mostly family money is not enough ,what do you do to save your money in your family.let us share the experience ok?
4 responses
@surajpkn (582)
• India
10 Oct 07
Well, saving money involves a lot of sacrifice. I know my friend, whose family is not well versed with money. So they save up money very carefully. They dont eat outside in any hotels or restaurants. They eat limited food, which would be just enough and dont bother about the taste. Sometimes they go for some deliciousness in the food the prepare. Also, they dont buy things that all others would, like shoes, a nice television set, renting dvds, etc. So its much different from that normal life we have. Yet, they dont complain, they are happy with the way they live.
• China
10 Oct 07
i am always thinking of saving money,however i have no chance to do so. my gf always run out all my money, so how could i save money? i tried to suggest her be forehanded, but it never worked. so i give up, i have to earn by other ways so as to save some money, just like earning money in internet, however, i am not confident that it will function.
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
10 Oct 07
Well it is very hard for me to save money. Even though every week I tell my self im going to save my money by the time I know it im totally out of money. So I do have a problem with it. But for the past month or so I have been giving my mom $30 a week out of my pay check. I figure if I dont see the money then I wont think about it as long as I have money in my wallet.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
10 Oct 07
My husband and I have our own seperate accounts and then we have a joint account that whatever goes in that account stays in that acccount. We do not take anything out of it so that we will have money saved up. It is always good to have another account open that you use strictly for savings. ours is a checking account, but that is only because on savings they charge you at our bank