Once i meet someone while my journey to bangalore through a train!!

@saunty (604)
October 12, 2007 11:25am CST
once i was on my way to bangalore with few of my friends to give entrance examination for my BE, just adjacent tomy compartment there was a boy , whilethrough the journey he didnt even looked at me , but just as we were about to leave the train he cae up to me and asked if he could help me picking up my luggage, and then from that time the situation was as such that for whole of the three days trip he was around me and we almost became like a good frnd.During returning journey he left the train somewhere before my destination and from that day we never meet, but still there is a bond between us and just the way i recall cherish those old and sweet memories i spent with him , even he must have cherished those moment ... have u ever had any such feelings??
1 response
@calvin222 (1606)
• India
12 Oct 07
Your profile says you are M. so why would you be interested in another guy?