Do you mind spending time alone ?

@missbdoll (1165)
October 13, 2007 10:25pm CST
Do you mind your own company, what do you like to do alone ?
6 responses
@Lifeless (2635)
• India
15 Oct 07
I don't mind spending time with myself.. When I am all to myself, I like to listen to music, go byking, or simply chat online with unknown people.. But I don't like sitting idle.. I like doing something or the other all the time..
@noriko (1254)
14 Oct 07
not at the moment. in case i need a time alone its okay if i spend 5 minutes just to breath fresh air
@oriental (1050)
• Uruguay
14 Oct 07
I donĀ“t like to be alone for a long period, let's say more than a week, but I do like to have an evening or one day just for me. To do anything I like without thinking that it can bother either your wife or your child. I can be at the computer till late in the night, or sleep until noon, or read as long as I like.
@maybebaby (1230)
• Canada
14 Oct 07
I like spending some time on my own. I like to do stuff online, like here on mylot or playing some games. I also like to read when I'm alone. It's so much quieter and you can really get into the book. Someimes I like to listen to music and dance around the house.
@gradyslady (4054)
• United States
14 Oct 07
I do like some alone time, but too much time makes me feel really lonely and I start getting sad.
• Puerto Rico
14 Oct 07
I love to be alone, i borned alone and i will die alone. Thats an expression. I have to many friends, but we really hang out once in a while.