Are you getting a good nights sleep?

October 16, 2007 6:29pm CST
You find yourself yawning and think, "I'm so tired. I need a good night's sleep." Nighttime comes, and you lie awake, tossing and turning, watching the clock, waiting for dawn to release you from this torture. Sound familiar? The need for sleep is universal, and difficulty falling asleep -- or staying asleep -- affects almost everyone occasionally. But for millions, some 15 to 25 percent of the population, sleep disorders are persistent. And they can be dangerous. We often think of sleep difficulty as the inability to sleep, but there are actually some 80 sleep-related disorders, ranging from too little to too much sleep. Lack of sleep, or insomnia, is the most prevalent, robbing upwards of 38 million Americans of quality sleep. Older adults frequently complain of sleeping poorly. Seniors -- unlike most children who seem to drop off to sleep instantly -- often have a hard time falling asleep or they sleep soundly for awhile and then experience wakefulness several times during the night. Sleep experts recommend a number of things that seniors can do to improve sleep quality, including the following: Cut out caffeine, and reduce or eliminate the use of alcohol. Avoid depending on narcotics or other sleeping aids which ultimately may lessen sleep quality. If you take naps, be sure to do so in the afternoon and not within two or three hours of going to bed. Establish a regular exercise program, even simple walking. Exercise before 6 p.m. because evening exercising can stimulate the body and make sleeping more difficult. Check with your physician to see if you can cut back on some of the medicines you take, or take them at different times of the day. Medicines taken for such conditions as asthma are known to increase wakefulness. If you tend to lie awake planning, worrying, or reviewing the day's events, try to create a calm period during the evening, or at least a couple of hours before bedtime. Set a regular time to go to bed and awaken in the morning. One or more of these changes may improve the quality of your sleep. However, persistent insomnia needs to be discussed with your physician, who may prescribe a medication to help with sleep. Do you have any more tips to get a good nights sleep? Yahoo!
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14 responses
@laurika (4532)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I have really problems with good night sleep.i am trying to drink hot cocoa before sleeping and it looks like it is helping.Also I just try a new tea two days ago and I was sleeping very good.
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• India
17 Oct 07
Yes and I sleep in the day too. I had sleep problems while i was in the hostel.I rarely slept if any of my roommates stay awake.This is particularly worse when exams approach. You crave to get on bed and have a good nap after hours of tedious study and no sleep means you turn crazy the day of the exam.
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@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I have been dealing with so much stress lately that there are times I have difficulty sleeping. I do what I can, but with so much going on, I have a hard time resting some days.
• United States
24 Oct 07
i take meds for restless leg syndrome about an hour before bed then take a sleeping pill and Im out like a light with out them Im up all night and cant lay still
@icon_001 (584)
• India
18 Oct 07
Mostly I do get a good night's sleep .But there are exceptional days too .
@foxygirle (376)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
yes,sleep is as important as food, without sleep we can't function normally. Sleep deprive individuals also are more prone to accidents and illness. I agree with you that persistent insomnia needs medical attention. When my mom was suffering insomnia for almost a month, she seek pyschiatrict help, though the first one did her more harm than good, we are happy that she was able to find a second one that help her get back to sleep, though the effect was not immediate, she was able to regain her good sleeping patterns after medication and now she is back to normal.
@patgalca (18213)
• Orangeville, Ontario
17 Oct 07
One of the symptoms of my illness is a sleep disorder. What I do is I don't go to bed until I know I am going to fall asleep. I wait until I am really tired. I could probably go to bed earlier than I do but I get caught up on the computer. I also take sleeping pills. But I don't get into IV Stage sleep, even with the sleeping pills, so my body is not being restored and rejuvenated, so I always feel tired no matter how much sleep I get.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Most of the time I get a good night's sleep with no problems. Occasionally, I do have a problem and I have two ways to take care of the problem. 1) If it is just stress and I can't get my brain to shut down; I have a stress reduction self-hypnosis CD that I use before bed time. It works wonders. 2) If there is some other cause (like last night when I broke out in hives and was all itchy), I simply take 2 melatonin when I go to bed and I am asleep in 15 minutes.
@lucky_witch (2707)
• Philippines
17 Oct 07
Yes sometimes I feel like I cant sleep anymore... though I really want to sleep because I have spent a tiring day, yet I find it hard to sleep. There are times that lots of things worry and scared me. I cant help it. The least that I can do is pray. I dont know, but sometimes things like accidents came into my mind... and I feel worried about my family whom I love so much. But during day time, I dont have such thought. I wonder how can I overcome those negative thoughts. And sometimes even if I dont think of anything, I still find it hard to sleep. Some say, maybe I should see a doctor..and I did. But unfortunately, they only gave me sleeping pills. I dont want to be dependent on that. I dont know what to do. There are lots of things that worries me... like my children's future. I wonder if every parents is just like me. I dont have a stable job and I am separated with their father. Now, I am living with another family, and I am happy. But I cant help thinking of my first husband and how things went wrong between us. I am afraid that the same thing will happen with my present relationship... all those worries came rushing to me at night... just before I sleep. So, guys I really appreciate if you will give me your advice.
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
17 Oct 07
I cannot sleep well in recent months.Though I'm tired and yawn,but when I lay on my bed,I cannot fall alseep.Sometimes I keep my eyes open until midnight.But I don't want to take pills; if necessary, I will drink a cup of milk or a glass of milk.I know what I need now is not a good sleep but a peaceful mood.
• Malaysia
17 Oct 07
yeah sometimes whenever you feel really tired and all you wanna do is sleep- you can't. just can't fall asleep. usually when that happens i'll try to think of something to keep my mind occupied, or pray to god and count my blessings until i fall asleep! .
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
17 Oct 07
Hi, this do not happen to me very often. I lie on my pillow and fall a sleep right away. However, a single part time working mother with a son having disorder of ADHD do make me tired. And I do work as much as I can since my economic budget have to be fulfilled. I also have to do all the household work on my own, none will do them for me. So when the night comes I do fall a sleep almost sitting in front of the TV
17 Oct 07
Try Horlicks (its a beverage). Works like magic for me when i find it difficult to sleep. I work lateshifts weekdays so weekends my body finds it difficult to settle into sleep mode so i have a drink of Horlicks and drift off nicely to sleep. Hope this helps
@quanto50 (140)
• Sweden
17 Oct 07
Sleeping is vital thing but in the average lifespan of 70 years 25 years passes sleeping. Now just imagine :-) I'd rather not sleep. :-) Actually I can not sleep 2-3 nights if I don't feel like.I drink a lot of coffee and sit on the internet. To be able to sleep good I think it would be good to work physically and jog a bit.