Why it is always so tough to gain faith of you parents during your teenage???

@saunty (604)
October 18, 2007 4:02am CST
As soon as we step in to the teenage, lots of restrictions are imposed on us, and even though we adapt us to that restricted world , still our parents have a suspecting eye on us, I am almost fedup giving explaination to my parents , i dont know how to make them understand that i am never gonna break their trust on me. Any suggestion from your side???
5 responses
• United States
18 Oct 07
Hi Saunty... You probably are not going to want to hear this, lol. But here it goes: I'm a mom of four children, all grown now. They each felt the way you do right now while in their teens, especially the girls. I don't believe I had a "suspecting" eye on my children, but rather a very loving, careful eye. Your parents are showing their love and care for you by doing just that. Be patient with them, they're growing and learning right along with you. And Saunty, parenting (especially parenting teens) does not come with a handbook of instructions. Be grateful you have parents that care enough to watch out for you..unfortunately you won't you see any of it that way until you have teenagers of your own. lol Good Luck.
@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
18 Oct 07
I'm afraid my parents have always trusted me, even in my teenage years. I'm sorry to hear about your frustration with your parents. Think of it this way: if you have a teenage son/daughter in today's modern world, wouldn't you be worried, too? Then perhaps you can start asking them to trust you bit by bit without frustration. Try to see it from their side and tell them that you understand their worries, but also tell them that they've taught you well so that you know right from wrong and that you wouldn't ruin your future by doing stupid things. Perhaps after having a calm discussion with them, they'll start trusting you more. I HOPE SO!!!!!!!!!!!
@naturalst (143)
18 Oct 07
when i was a teenager i had also problem with my parents. i really don't know how to gain the trust of our parnets. they didn't trust me back then.
@kevere26 (223)
• United States
18 Oct 07
I think that the operative word here is fear. Parents of teenagers are afraid that their adolescent will either do whatever it is that they did when they were teenagers or that you'll make mistakes and get hurt (both physically and emotionally). I have a daughter who's now 24 and it was difficult to let her go into the world and experience what life offers. I was afraid of too many things to list! The next time you're restricted from doing something try reminding yourself that your parents are afraid and you'll probably be able to figure out the "why" behind it all (:
• China
18 Oct 07
my parents also trust me in my teenage. what ever i want to do, they always let me do. because they know that i am sensible. maybe your parents did not trust you because they didnot think that you can handle something properly. so, do something to prove that.