How much can you tolerate your friend's bad attitude?

@lizeri (533)
October 20, 2007 10:28am CST
REAL Friends will accept you as what and who you are no matter what. But sometimes, time comes that they show you an odd attitude that seems to test your patience. I had some encounters wherein this person does not know what to do to the point that this one quarrels everyone around (even me) and that foul words come out from the mouth. Another is, releasing of stress by doing unusual crazy things such as typing nonsense in the keyboard. I understand this person because being in a very tough situation is really not a joke. But then whenever I ask this person how I can help solve the problem, it seems that it just get worst. So what I did, I just let her do whatever as long as I am not disturbed, or else... But if you are in this situation, will you be walking out, shout back because you want to help her but it seems such a waste of time fixing things in flames, or will you just tolerate it?
4 responses
@surajpkn (582)
• India
20 Oct 07
Well, i try tolerating my friends attitude to an extent if it doesnt harm people but if it does, then i would definitely not tolerate it at all and say it straight on his face about his bad attitude. As a real friend, i think, thats the good thing that can be done to true friends.
@karixie (121)
• Philippines
20 Oct 07
I remain to be a friend regardless of one's attitude but I will tell him/her directly if he/she is getting into my nerves. In that way, he/she would also be able to examine him/herself.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
20 Oct 07
If one of my friends starts acting oddly and their attitude goes from normal and nice to rude and uncalled for etc I'd ask them what the bloody hell their problem is and why are they acting like that....If they tell me then I'd offer to help...if they tell me to mind my own biz I'd tell them to get a grip then call me because I wont be treated like that....Mind you with my friends if it were to happen, they'd tell me what is bothering them long before getting to that point and/or they'd KNOW that I'm not being cruel, I just don't put up with ppls crap regardless of who it is ya know..
@gol613 (33)
• Philippines
20 Oct 07
It depends. If does not hurt or bother me directly, I'd ignore it.