Where do you keep your phone numbers and addresses?

Do you use address books? - a bunch of address books
United States
October 22, 2007 9:03am CST
I'm terrible at keeping phone numbers and addresses even though I have more than one address book. I keep my important phone numbers on a large piece of paper thumbtacked to the wall in front of my pc...where I'm usually sitting. Since my eyesite is so bad I have the names and numbers written in large print in green magic marker. Most people who notice it get a laugh out of it. As for addresses...I have a couple on that piece of paper and one or two in an index card box plus I rember one which is my mothers. Other than that I usually have to call my mother or daughter to get the one I need. Do you have an address book or special place where you keep important phone numbers and addresses? Are you good at keeping these things in order?
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32 responses
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
22 Oct 07
I have a phone book in a basket by the phone on the end table in my living room. The thing is about 15 years old and if I have a new phone for someone I just scratch out the old and put in the new. Hopefully nothing ever happens to me cause noone would ever figure out my system on there. Some go by first names, others by last names, others by association. HEHE
2 people like this
• United States
22 Oct 07
lol....my mothers phone book is probably that old and it's so hard to read most of the numbers and addresses. I just bought her a new one for Christmas and I hope she will use it.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
22 Oct 07
I am terrible when it comes to keeping ANYTHING in order, ctry. I do have an address book that I use occasionally for phone numbers, but I have a habit of jotting them down on any piece of paper that is handy. Sometimes I will even jot thm down in a book I am reading. Rather than having one piece of paper stuck to my wall near the computer, I have several with phone numbers, appointments, etc. This looks very messy and I know I should clean it up. I am working on that right now, lol.
• United States
22 Oct 07
Your just like me! It's amazing. I have pieces of paper all over the place and often throw them out by mistake. I'm so unorganized it's not funny.
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
22 Oct 07
I keep all of my phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses in my Outlook. I also have a written address book. And I store all of my important numbers in my cell phone. I figure if I can keep up with these three things I will always have access to what I need.
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• United States
22 Oct 07
I've tried keeping them on my computer but always seem to lose them one way or another.
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@gwendovere (1279)
• United States
22 Oct 07
I have a cute little red book I keep them in... but I keep losing the little book!
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• United States
22 Oct 07
I would lose my head if it wasn't attached..lol. I'm great for losing address books no matter how big they are.
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@tantal25 (838)
• United States
22 Oct 07
i keep phone numbers and addresses on my address book. i usually find time to jot it down on my address book because i want it to be done before i forget about it.
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• United States
22 Oct 07
I envy you! I WANT to do it before I forget but I never do.
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@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
22 Oct 07
I try to keep them in an address book, but more often than not, they end up on little sticky notes or small pieces of paper all over my apartment!
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• United States
22 Oct 07
Sounds a lot like me...sticky notes and pieces of paper everywhere. Great system huh? It works for me.
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
22 Oct 07
I used to keep them all in a rolodex, but there was never enough room, and other family members were always taking them out and losing them. Now I have a regular sized 3-ring binder that I keep it all in. I bought alphabet dividers and just use regular lined notebook paper for pages within. Each surname is done in fineline magic marker (so it stands out and is easy to find.) I have a page that's just for my one daughter (filed under her last name); I keep her triple A registration #, her work numbers, her kids doctors #'s, and the auto repair shop her and her hubby use. Now when she's stuck at work or something, she just calls home and quickly can get the info. I have a page that's just for our favorite fast food places that deliver, and a page of emergency numbers for the illuminating company, gas company, oil, etc, for quick retrieval like when the power goes off or something. I like doing it this way better, because besides the usual name/phone/address stuff, I can also write in their kids names, anninversary, birthdays/whatever. It's nice because in a regular address book, you only have about 4-6 lines to work with for keeping info on, this way I can use however many lines I need to keep it all with each person's info. (I never run out of space lol) I like it this way too because the smaller address books always seem to get lost, it's much harder to lose a 3-ring binder, and you can still decorate the cover pretty. Works for me!
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• United States
22 Oct 07
You are TOO organized for me! lol...good for you...
@Lifeless (2635)
• India
1 Nov 07
I keep duplicate copies of numbers and addresses, one in my cellphn and one in my personal diary.. That way I am sure not to lose data even if one of them gets lost or stolen.. I never stack them at places where someone else can easily see them, I prefer keeping them private...
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@infoguy (210)
• India
23 Oct 07
I have my phone numbers and addresses noted down in my address book....I find easy to find them when i need....U have them in a orderly format may be this way u can reduce your work of searching
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@fracktion (154)
• Philippines
23 Oct 07
I keep three records of my phone numbers and addresses. (1) is Hard Copy where I print each name and contact number in a 1/4 size index card. This was, if they change their address or contact numbers, i can easily add it since each name has one index card, (2) Soft Copy - All these addresses and contact numbers are stored in my computer and I can easily browse. Also I keep another copy on my email at least I have a backup and (3) They are all posted on my cork board just behind my door.
@nyumix (1658)
• Belgium
27 Oct 07
I don't have special address book at this time. But for phone number, I keep them all in my cellphone. It makes me easy to find if I want to call some body,since I only need to look at my cellphone when I want to call.
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@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
30 Oct 07
I have a planner where I wrote all of it. It serves as my back up just in case i lost my cellphone. I also encoded the phone numbers on my wireless phone and landline. I also have a small address book in my wallet. I make it sure that if I lost any of them, I still have others.
@shadowing (308)
• Malaysia
23 Oct 07
Hi Ctrymuziklvr. Well, personally I keep all the phone numbers in my cell phone. Haha. Anyway, those numbers which I frequently phone to, I will keep them in my mind. Regarding addresses, I will save in my email account. So far, if we jotted down in the manual book, it's hard to do sorting and it's inconsistent. However, even if we type in application program, once we reformat that computer, yet, everything will be lost just like this. So, after a few times of reformat, I feel saving in email account will be the best ;p
• Philippines
23 Oct 07
I keep phone numbers and addresses on my cell phone. I tried having an address book before, but it was pretty useless because i didn't like bring it around with me, i just leave it at home. I think keeping important notes/numbers/addresses on a cellphone or PDA is better because you can be more organized and it keeps everything in one place, your mobile.
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@rimsha (806)
• Pakistan
23 Oct 07
I keep phone numbers and keep address some one.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Phone numbers are stored on my phone and some just in my head LOL addresses I have mainly in my head (for friends and family I mean) and when someone moves I write down the new addy on a pc of paper at first then just end up memorizing it...
23 Oct 07
I have to keep my phone numbers and addresses written down, not just in my book but also in my diary AND I have them listed on my computer and in my mobile phone. I have a terrible memory for names and numbers, even keeping a list on my pinboard sometimes.
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@femimi (872)
• Indonesia
23 Oct 07
I keep it in my cell phone right now, and I have back up to my pc, so if I lost the database, I still can refresh the back up. I don't use address book anymore since I keep all in my cell phone. And I also keep people's name card in a box, so if something data loss I also have hard copy for my back up.
@azimsay (543)
• India
23 Oct 07
I am unable to keep phone nombers and address.I noted down all these things in my dairy,bt I kept that dairy inmy cubberd safely,I never told my family member.
• China
23 Oct 07
I keep all phone numbers and addresses in my cellular. It's so convenient. But if the cellular were stolen, it would be a big problem. I'd like to backup all records in a book, but I never did it. Hehe