What is the point of celebrities?

October 22, 2007 3:20pm CST
Ok Id like to know why everyone, or maybe thats a generalisation but the majority of people care about celebrities? Id really like to know why people aspire to be Paris Hilton or why they would view her as a role model. In a way I do see the point who wouldnt want to be paid for doing absolutely nothing except living your life it is a sweet deal but some people actually take her seriously. Who are these people? Why do we want to read about the lives of movie stars as they use your hard earned money to go on yet another 5star vacation as you go back to your 9 to 5? I sound bitter here. Im not I honestly wouldnt want their life. I wouldnt want to worry bout a pic of me scratching my backside being spread round the entire world. But neither am I interested in Angelin Jolie doing that. I remember a time when kids wanted to be doctors or astronauts when they grew up. Now they want to be famous. Im from the UK and here u can be famous for literally anything it seems. Get your private areas out for money(not in the playboy sense either) and suddenly your a 'star'. Whats that about! Seriously are we so sad and depressed in our own lives we need trivial distractions of 'celebrities' to divert our attention? I leave it to you!
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7 responses
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
23 Oct 07
I agree with you in some things, PD. But not in all of them. It's true that it's pathetic to see people like Paris Hilton or Sienna Miller becoming millionaires while we worship them and they laugh at us. People like those simply represent an insult to our intelligence. However, i don't think that it's just that were desperate. Tis more complicated than that. It's just a product that the powerful ones sell us, and we buy it , as we buy all that they sell. Sad but true. Thanks for replyin.
23 Oct 07
I dont know if they laugh maybe they do I mean sure it must be hard to be constantly hounded to have a picture and sign an autograph when u just wanna swear. I have days when I dont want to speak to anyone and if i dont want to I dont have to but celebs cant have down days I guess without it being splashed round the world. But it is the life they choose and when it suits them they want to be on every cover they cant have it both ways. Fans do follow everything they do and I think no matter what they need to respect that or their selling power will go down and theyre a noone again. It is sad totally sad but yeah thats life in a commercial world.
• United States
23 Oct 07
I dont see the fascination with celebrities either. To me what they do day to day is their business. I think people are interested in them becuase they are seen as normal people. The embarassing and troubling moments of celebrities makes the lives of normal people seem better. All of our dirty laundry is kept private, for the most part. Seeing the celebrities at there most vulnerable makes them seem more normal.
23 Oct 07
Yeah i think everyone intrisically likes to gossip and maybe if you gossip about how your boss and his PA seem to take alot of business trips off the record you may find yourself fired but you can gossip about Britneys latest rehab trip and not get into deep water.
23 Oct 07
I have very little time or patience for some of today's so called celebrities. It seems that anyone who wants to flash the flesh can become a celebrity and have their photograph splashed around in the trashy mags that proliferate the news stands. For movie stars celebrity comes with the job and for the most part they behave with a fair degree of common sense but the likes of Brittney and Paris and Jordan and the rest of that ilk leave me shuddering.
• Philippines
23 Oct 07
We have to consider things from a business standpoint. There's a reason why it's called showbusiness. But while some actors and actresses become popular just for acting and doing their job (like Harrison Ford), there are those who become favorites of photographers. Their lives actually become more popular than the characters thay play, such that their movies sell because people follow their personal life, not the other way around. What's revealed about celebrities' lives only shows that they are ordinary people who make mistakes just like anyone. It's just too bad for them that they are in the spotlight and every move they make can be exposed publicly because media will pay a lot for stories, pictures, and videos of them. Yes, it's trivial, but it does make life a bit lighter.
23 Oct 07
I dont know if it makes it lighter or sadder when young girls want a boob job so they can be the next page 3 girl (thats a topless shot in a newspaper incase u didnt know) what happened to real aspirations to do something meaningful?
@azimsay (543)
• India
23 Oct 07
So many people are liking to celebrition.Get promotion,birthday,marrage celebrition.
@jayger04 (64)
• Australia
23 Oct 07
I don't worship celebrities but I do find them entertaining. They make for good content on writing, they are good topic discussion starters, everyone will know who you are talking about. I wouldn;t like to be a celebrity.
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
23 Oct 07
Not me. I don't worship celebrities. In fact they probably have more stress and misery than I do, with all the divorces and public attention. Take a look at Britney Spears and you'll understand what I'm talking about. I do know how to appreciate a nice song or movie though.