dandruf problem

@dew431 (152)
October 22, 2007 11:47pm CST
can anybody suggest me some home made packs from which i can get rid of dandruff,and my scalp become clean.? i m having straight dark brown hair,these are n of normal type ,but my only problem is dandruff.
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5 responses
@indiavani (863)
• India
7 Nov 07
Hello Dew! Massaging scalp with til oil (seasame oil) really helps in getting rid off dandruff and having a clean scalp. Massage the oil at night on the scalp and next morning you can shapoo it out. You can do this 2-3 days in a week. Other two effective home remedies are: 1. Mix 2 drops of lemon juice in one tsp of coconut oil and massage your scalp with it. Add more lemon juice and coconut oil if neccessary, but in same ratio, i.e. 2:1. You can shapoo after 3 hours. 2. Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in water and next morning grind it into paste. Apply it on your scalp and shampoo after half an hour. Hope this info helps!
@dew431 (152)
• India
16 Nov 07
thanks i hope so
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
21 Nov 07
hello! dandruff?no problem.most women do not take as much care of the cleanliness of their hair as do of their clothes.the result is dandruff, gray hair or hair falling.it is important that you follow a regular cleansing routine for your hair.for cleaning hair you may use anti-dandruff shampoo to get rid of it.but as you have desired some home made pack i rather strongly recommend you to use juice of one lemon at least twice a week.you apply the juice on your scalp gently and leave it for about 15/20 minutes then wash and dry.although the main cause of dandruff is lack of cleaning, some times it occur due to infection.so have yor personal towel, combs,brushandkeep those clean.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
26 Oct 07
I read somewhere that Listerine (yes,the mouthwash) will get rid of dandruff. I can't vouch for it. Vinegar will get rid of some types of dandruff, and it's good for your hair. Use a quarter cup of vinegar and a quarter cup of warm water and pour it over your head after shampooing. Leave it in - don't rinse it out, and towel dry your hair. It will be super soft and your scalp should feel good, too.
@roniroxas (10560)
• Philippines
7 Nov 07
try to boil coconut milk, then let it turn into its all natural oil. when the coconut milk turns to oil, cool it down (but do not put inside the fridge). when its cool enough to handle massage this into your scalp and let it stay for 30 mins before you shampoo it out. repeat is as often as you want. hope this hels you i do this to my children.
@sang2k2 (1833)
• India
31 Oct 07
hi dew, you can use dandruff shampoos available at medical stores. There are certain cautions to be taken care of like use shampoo by mixing it with water and not directly over the scalp as there are certain chemicals which can harm the skin.Use yoghurt(dahi) and lemon juice on the scalp keep it for half hour and wash it after washing it use comb to clean your ahin and then shampoo it. Use cold water to wash your ahri or lukewarn water as hot waster is a bit ahrmful for the skin. After washing your hair dry it anturally and properly dry it before tieing your hair. dont use chemicals on your hair.Use olive oil always for your hair. always oil your hair before washing. avoid sharing towels,combs,pillows. take care.