::Who want some dessert?::

apple pie with ice cream..yummOh! - this is my fave dessert..apple pie with vanilla ice cream on top..
@fab315 (1231)
October 23, 2007 2:42pm CST
Hello! ----- Dessert - a usually sweet course or dish, as of fruit, ice cream or pastry, served at the end of the meal. Yummy! just by reading the definition of dessert it's already mouth watering! *hehe* I love having a dessert, who doesn't love to anyway? Having my dessert for me is not just at the end of my meal but anytime when I fancy it. Ask me what my fave desserts are and I would say...apple crumble, chocolate cake, fruits with vanilla ice cream and the top one is a nice slice of hot apple pie topped with vanilla ice cream!!! lovely!! Do you always have your dessert? Served only at the end of your meal or like me, anytime? It's my turn to ask you what are your fave desserts.... ooopppss...I better wipe my mouth..you know..watery! LOL!!!*wehehehe* ----- ciao! c",)
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20 responses
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
23 Oct 07
I love desserts. I love cakes and cookies and pies. My favorite dessert is probablt turtle cheesecake.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Ohhh gawd. Now I am craving a slice of New York Cheesecake. Hmmmm? HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
I like cheesecake too although I haven't tried that turtle cheesecake or the new york cheesecake...guess the ones I tried was bahrain cheesecake..*hehe*. I'm just curious...why is it called turtle cheesecake? I'm a bit ignorant about it...you know..*hehe* ciao! c",)
• India
24 Oct 07
my favorite dessert ll always b icecreams.........!!!!!!!!
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
I'm not much into desserts, but I go for them sometimes!;) My all-time favorite would be Sansrival, I love the nuts and the caramelized syrup in it!;) I'm also into custard cakes now, it's good tasting for me and not that sweet. Ice creams are good for me, I like rocky road and some of our local ice cream flavors here like "buko/pandan" and "ube" varieties!;)
@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
Sansrival? haven't heard of that before...what is it made of? Custard cake is nice too. Tried it few times. Rocky road!! not Rocky Balboa? *wahaha* Love Rocky ROad too...it's my fave ice cream in Phils. Buko Pandan...oh yes! me and bro here would always ask for it everytime we eat at a Filipino Resto here...you know the buko with those pandan flavoured gelatin? I miss the ice cream though...and the ube..my fave colour...*hehe* ciao! c",)
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
Sansrival. - A pastry with a sweet and nutty taste, baked with perfection!;)
Sansrival can be a cake or either a pastry, which is a sweet dessert with cashew nuts and caramelized syrup in it.. Here's a photo I uploaded, I believe you've eaten it but wasn't just aware what it looks like!;)
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@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
tnx for the effort... - thanks for the photo..now I remember..hehe
Oh yeah! I remember now..i've eaten that one already I just didn't know what it's called like..*hahaha* okay, that's another side of me...eating without knowing..LOL!!! Thanks for the effort of showing me the photo and explaining it... I learnt a new word today..Sansrival! yeey! ciao! c",)
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
26 Oct 07
i usually dont have desserts after meals. i am not used with having one. although if there is an available dessert in the fridge then i would have one after a meal. ^__^;; usually my dessert would be a piece of banana or any fruits available. that's at home. when i am in a restaurant its seldom that i order a dessert, but when i do, its always a cake. chocolate cake or ube-macapuno cake. or just a sundae ice cream. (good thing im not hungry now while answering this. ^__^;;). meanwhile during special occasions, i always prepare a simple tiramisu which is mango float. i loved mango float the first time i tasted it so i studied how to make it. and now im good at it. LOL so when there's an occasion in our home, mango float is always present. ^__^
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@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
28 Oct 07
Banana! Banana! love them! it's our after meal fruit in Phils love the senyorita ones..so sweet..but I don't eat banana here in Bahrain as the ones they have here are the big green ones..eww, don't like them..*wehehe* Mango float!! ohh...you're making me miss them! *huhuhuhu* Who knows...maybe one day i'll visit you..always spare me a slice of your mango float okay? *hehe* ciao! c",)
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
12 Dec 07
LOL but we have green bananas here too! don't you eat them when you were still here sa Pinas?? thanks for the BR. ^__^
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
27 Oct 07
If I have a cake or something around I'll eat it anytime. But usually just after a meal and I try not to eat it all the time. When I go out to eat I like trying different desserts. It makes the dining experience much more fun!
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@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
28 Oct 07
I'm like that sometimes too when we're dining out, I would order some dessert that I don't know of or that sounds funny..LOL!! yeah, you're right it does make the dining experience much more fun. *smile* ciao! c",)
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
24 Oct 07
We don't usually have dessert after every meal. Sometimes we will have fruit or something like that. But on the weekend we usually have a sweet dessert or something later that night. I love anything really. Pies, Cakes, chocolates, cookies, I don't really care I love it all. But my super favorite is boxed chocolates. I only get them at Christmas from Santa (aka me) but this summer my man came over and gave me a box, I was so shocked. My son ate half of it. Wahhh!
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@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
25 Oct 07
Oh boxed chocolates love them too...and always will! *hehe* That's so sweet and chocolatey of your man...giving you a box of chocolate...*hehe* Bad son..making mum cry..*hehe* ciao! c",)
@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
24 Oct 07
dessert......mmmmm, seem nice to eat. unfortunately in my country, its not common to have dessert in our meal. and i also not too like sweet stuff or meal. but sometimes i made some dessert to my family :)
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@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
That's nice...making some dessert for your family, I bet you make some delicious ones..lucky family. *smile* I do make some dessert for my family too but only those easy ones, like fruit salad...i'm good in eating it than making it..*hehe* ciao! c",)
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Home Made - Apple crisp made from my own grown apples this fall
My all time favorite dessert has to be my home made bread pudding. I am the only one in my family that likes it so I eat a whole pan in 2 or 3 days time when I do make it. This year I made a few different deserts from my home grown apples also. Here's a photo of one of the desserts from my apples. Yummy!! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDAP BOB!!~
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@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
Grandpa bob!! YOU! YOU!! YOU! give me some next time! *hehe* Next time you make some desserts give me a myLot ring okidoki? *hehe* Your photo is making crave for some apple pie...crap! and I only have ice cream...*huhu* ciao! c",)
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
25 Oct 07
I love dessert too mostly icecream or cheesecake. We have it now and then after dinner but mostly in the weekends.
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• Canada
23 Oct 07
Hi fab, It's good to see you back in MyLot land! I have a HUGE sweet tooth and I LOVe my desserts. Usually I will just have dessert after supper, but once in a while if I feel like something sweet earlier in the day my sweet tooth usually wins. I don't think I have run into a dessert yet that I haven't liked. I'm not picky when it comes to something sweet lol. Have a great day! Love & Hugzz, Your Friend, PurpleTeddyBear.
@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
Hello SWEET tooth! *hehe*. It's nice to be back here too. Good to see you again. *smile* Keep those desserts coming 'coz sweet tooth is here...*hihi* Take care too. Mwahugsss! *smile* ciao! c",)
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
I love desserts served any time... my favorite dessert thou is fruit salad... i always make one so that i can eat some serving anytime of the day... I also like chocolate as dessert as well... like chocolate ice cream, cake, etc... as long as it is chocolate... It is a pity that i cannot add chocolate in my fruit salad...
@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
OH! fruit salad....you're making me miss my mother..fruit salad is her speciality, she makes a delicious fruit salad..with all the cream and stuff...her fruit salad for me is the best..*hehe* You know what, whenever I fancy fruit salad, I would buy those fruit cocktails in can then add some vanilla ice cream in it..it's very nice.. hhmmmm...chocolate in fruit salad? *hehe* sounds interesting..next time i'll add chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla then i'll tell you what the taste like...how's that? *wehehe* i'm weird! ciao! c",)
• India
24 Oct 07
i like this yummy desserts tooo. any ways you made my mouth watering too thinking of one today actually i am from india and we don't have this tradition in this part bof this country atleast but we get it sometimes weekly or biweekly. but well we(atleast me) mostly drink shakes instead particularly a gulkand one i bet its as yummy even more then some tof this desserts
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@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
I love drinking shakes too...I like the milkshakes. Gulkand? haven't tried that one but I bet it's one nice shake. Take care. *smile* ciao! c",)
@Rueca08 (101)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
My favorite desserts are ice cream - any flavor-, and cakes.
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@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
Ice cream and cakes...love them too! You just can't say no to ice cream and cakes.. all time fave! Take care. *smile* ciao! c",)
@dew431 (152)
• India
24 Oct 07
i love to have desserts mine fav are brownie and chocolate truffle..i love them any time and at any place
@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
Yumm! Yumm! brownies...love them too...although I haven't tried chocolate truffle but it sounds tempting and delicious considering it's made of chocolate...*smile* ciao! c",)
• Kuwait
24 Oct 07
yes, i love to have desserts but just once a day against my meal but eating chocolate and ice cream is not no crime for me. i can scape from my sleeping husband and take a big spoon of ice cream before coming back to bed.This happens most of the time, My hasband will just smile when he see me with the ice cream glass and spoon in my side table, it is like my milk before sleep.
@franc968 (126)
• Italy
24 Oct 07
Hi, I've found this blog and I think you should visit.... it's really sweet. http://gourmet-belgian-chocolate.blogspot.com
@rimsha (806)
• Pakistan
24 Oct 07
Dessert live is full of dangerious.
@youless (112190)
• Guangzhou, China
12 Dec 07
I always like dessert because I like sweet things. I have no problem to eat many desserts, I am very lucky. Sometimes I will bake a cake at home, but hopefully one day I can make the super cake.
@paulinez (115)
• Malaysia
24 Oct 07
hi,talking about dessert,,,,mmm,my mouth start 2 drip out.i love bread n butter pudding so so much.just so in love with it.beside,it got ice cream on top of it.can't resist it
@benx22 (87)
• Philippines
24 Oct 07
my fave part of the meal? it's dessert. i don't really care if the main course is delicious or would satisfy my hunger. what i am after at during is their dessert. i love leche flan, fruit salad, cakes, ice cream and all that would tickle my sweet buds.
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