Whats the first thing you always notice when you meet someone for the 1st time?

October 25, 2007 12:03am CST
The first thing i always notice about a person the first time we meet is how he/she dresses up. i know of a friend who always looks at a person's shoes first when she meets someone for the first time.
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5 responses
• United States
25 Oct 07
I reall think what I look at first depends on the situation, but definately how a person presents themselves and is dressed/clean are the first things i notice. Not nessessarily what brand of clothes, but I ask myself did the person put forth effort!! I own my own business so I am constantly representing my company, so I have to be dressed nice and clean!!! No one likes a smelly person :)
• Philippines
26 Oct 07
i agree. thats the first thing that i notice too when i meet someone for the first time..
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
25 Oct 07
For me... i would first notice the hair of the person... i would always look if it is newly done like did the person recently went to the barber or the beauty salon to have their hair fixed... i would also complement the person if i like their hairstyle or their haircut...
• Philippines
26 Oct 07
i also have a friend who always comments about people's hair. and shes pretty vain too when it comes to how her hair looks.
• Canada
25 Oct 07
The first thing I notice about a person when I meet them for the first time is the sound of their voice. I can listen to a person's voice for about three seconds, and tell you exactly what kind of person they are, just by listening to them speak.
@chocoboo (82)
• Singapore
25 Oct 07
For me, the way they talk and their body langauge and maybe their eyes? Then I will look at the person appearance as a whole and then finally their footwear. :)
@hillock (749)
• Qatar
25 Oct 07
i think the shoes..i dont know why! I always look on it. cant help it.
• Philippines
26 Oct 07
My friend says that a person's shoes is a reflection of his/her personality.