Why do dogs like underwear???

United States
October 28, 2007 11:09pm CST
I have a puppy that's a year old, she never had bothered my underwear before, but in the last 3 months I have to hide my underwear now. She likes to chew on them. She won't chew on my pants,shirts,or socks. She won't even bother any of my kids clothes or my husbands. Just my underwear WHY?
2 responses
@wind0104 (52)
• China
30 Oct 07
wow...funny dogs...maybe she will have a baby...:-)
• Australia
29 Oct 07
Um, you have one obsessed dog there. This cute bundle of joy loves the smell of you! lol. she is very well bonded to you. The smell in your underwear is stronger than on any of your other clothes because of it being much closer to the skin. If you want to stop it, rub some vinegar (eewww!) or Citronella oil on your dirty undies. She will soon get the hint! lol. Dogs don't like vinegar or citronella, and while you might end up ponging too, your underwear will be safe! After a while, you won't have to worry about it. Oh, and when she does leave them alone, give her a big hug. I'm sorry, this is funny I am ROFL this end!