what can u say about abortion

November 1, 2007 5:53am CST
what can u say about abortion
9 responses
• United States
2 Nov 07
abortion is the one thing that I am very much against and always will be. I understand that some people have their reasons for abortion but I can't understand why they could do that. If worst came to worst, I would have the baby no matter what my family thought of me, and put it up for adoption so he or she could have a chance. I read when they inject the poison into the womb when the babys growing that he actually pulls away from it. That is so sad!!!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
2 Nov 07
I completely disagree with women who use abortion as a means of constant birth control..I think that is disgusting behaviour to be honest with you BUT that aside I'm a supporter of abortion and I have in fact had one..It was an unfortunate thing since we were happy I was pregnant again but sadly things changed and that decision had to be made for the sake of everyone involved... I'm also a survivor of rape and I can honestly tell you that if I'd gotten pregnant from either rapes I would have aborted and not thought twice about it. For so many of us, dealing with the trauma of rape is hard enough wihtout adding to it by carrying our attackers offspring..There is no way in hell I'd go through with the pregnancy!
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@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
12 Jan 08
I can say that I am against it and it is absolutely against God's will. Abortion is an absolutely wrong and it is a crime of murder. And absolutely I am not favor for this. And I think the fetus have life and like us she/he have a right to see this wonderful world.
• India
1 Nov 07
Well, I would say that it is a crime to go in for an abortion or termination of pregnancy.It is not the childs fault that it's mother is pregnant and the child deserves it's right to live and see the world. If the couple is not ready to takeup the responsibility of the child , they should not make the child at all. But if the child is the result of a rape then i guess it is okay to go in for an abortion.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
16 Nov 07
It's (thankfully) not a crime in the US to terminate. There is not a "child" in a termination. An early abortion is no more a baby than an egg is a chicken. It's a potential life at best.
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
16 Nov 07
hi there richard140521 what do i think of abortion well i think it is murder thats true and when i was pragant twice i was shocked cause the father did not want anything to do with it but i know i never thought once to have an abortion when i had a boyfriend once and they arent the childrens fathers tbut he told me to have an abortion i said no way i am not doing it cause it is murder and i will never ever do it i know a couple of people in my family have and when i heard one did it very close to me it was a shock to me why i could of had a half brother or a half sister but i know my kids would i have told them they might have but they are to little to understand and they know they are from differnet fathers but in gods sight they are brothers and sisters i just think abortion is wrong i would never do it thanks for this discussion
• United States
1 Nov 07
I feel that it should be the womans choice. I myself could never have an abortion. One of my friends had an abortion when she was in high school. Since I had my son when I was in high school she is always comparing herself to me. She says things like "my son would be the same age as your son", "I would be a young grandma like you" and "I wonder if our sons would have been friends". Personally, I don't know how she handles the guilt she has. I don't even know how she can be my friend when it clearly bothers her that I have a son that is the same age as the baby she aborted.
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
1 Nov 07
I feel as far as possible it should be avoided. This helps the woman to have greater health. When there are so many methods of prevention of pregnancy is available, why one should be ignorant or irresponsible and then pay huge sums to hospital? I dislike people getting pregannt without marriage (that is our culture not to have child from some one). Among our own relatives, 3 out of 7 cases, the women still suffers from abotion post operation.
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
2 Nov 07
What can I say about abortion? It is MURDER.
• India
1 Nov 07
its purely nothing but kiling ur own child