Who would you like to see as couples on gh?

United States
November 4, 2007 6:32am CST
I am loving gh right now~ so good i turn my phone off and set my kid down for a movie so i dont miss anything.lol. I would love to see sam and lucky stay together. they make a hot couple. luke and laura perfect for each other! spenelli and georgie definatly,logan and lulu, got love them together. sonny and kate.she gets somthing from sonny ive never seen him give to anyone, jason and robin.eh its okay but to me none was better for jason then sam...rick and sky could be good,to bad i think rick is ganna die. and the none other then emily and nicholas..i hope they never split, that would be way to weird. i kinda liked emily with sonnny there for a bit but i think nicholas matches her more....what about you? who do u think ans want to see together?
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5 responses
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
4 Nov 07
With ric just getting stabbed it might bring him and Alexis back together. That'd kind of be interesting. Or her and Jerry - that's be FUN! Spenilli and Georgie - that'd be great but GH always has to have the one woman that never gets to be happy. It used to be Bobbie, but she is seldom around anymore, so Georgia gets handed the tourch. I thought Georgia and Dylan would make a great "luke and laura" for adventures. I never liked luke or laura characters, but their storylines were fun. Jason and Sam were great! She held her own with him and the storylines. Jason with Elizabeth or Robin, might as well just write out the Jason character - they'd bring him down big time. Robin, wish they'd just write her out. I thought they'd gotten some sense and good storyline together when they brought back Robert scorpio - him and luke on a mission again, that'd been great, but what a let down on what they did. I'm sick of nickloas and emily - do it or get off the pot for crying out loud! Luke and Tracy - there is lot they could do with those two that'd be fun and exciting but they are doing anything.
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• United States
4 Nov 07
Haha okay so mabey im a little undercover drama queen. I love drama. as long as its someone elses and not mine. mabey thats why i like all the story lines...yes alexis and jerry~ oh that would be so funny. and tracy and luke. i like how there teaming up now. im confused though~ okay lulu's dad is? luke right? or is that logans dad? and tracy is allens sister that is now with lulus dad. right? and laura was the ex wife of lulus dad and ex of logans as well.Lol i love the drama and its not mine wich makes it even better~
• United States
4 Nov 07
Haha okay so mabey im a little undercover drama queen. I love drama. as long as its someone elses and not mine. mabey thats why i like all the story lines...yes alexis and jerry~ oh that would be so funny. and tracy and luke. i like how there teaming up now. im confused though~ okay lulu's dad is? luke right? or is that logans dad? and tracy is allens sister that is now with lulus dad. right? and laura was the ex wife of lulus dad and ex of logans as well.Lol i love it!
@Liasonfan (1702)
• Canada
5 Nov 07
I hear we are a goin' into the new year with first and foremost Jason and Elizabeth---yay! After 8 long years, our wishes are finally coming true. Well Lucky and Sam yep---she has been through every other guy just about on the show, her mama's hubby and Jax and Sonny on the same night--blech what a trashy character... I would love to se Ric and Skye together, however there is alot of unsolved busines between Ric and Alexis, plus their daughter...Loving Luke and Tracy--what Lunacy, lol--Luke n' Laura are so yester year!!! Let's see---Nik & Em getting old---they both need to die...Oh yeah and Sonny/Kate/Carly round 5,627 for Carly and Sonny---CarJax is sooooo over, still hope Brenda comes back for Jax---...Hmmm let's see...that 'bout rounds it up for me! Oooohh can't forget the Robin a& Patrick (Scrubs) thing. Could she already be pregnant with his child and Layla will just be an 'unleasant memory'? Love to see Spinelli & Georgie get it together and poor Maxie...how many beau's will she have to bury??? Hmmmm...Aren't ya glad you asked????
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@Liasonfan (1702)
• Canada
5 Nov 07
OOOOh and I forgot Lulu (well trying hard to forget her anyways. Why is she in our faces so darn much, anyways???? But I think she'll be better with Johnny than Logan....
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@Jshean20 (14349)
• Canada
5 Nov 07
I've always liked Sunny and Carley together, I don't really like the last guy that she married..they don't seem right together. I have a lot of faith that they will eventually bring Carley and Sunny together, they have to for the sake of Soap Operas!
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• United States
5 Nov 07
Lol yeah they did good together and now the way she is tryn to be an investigator illeagally tryn to find out who killed latesha.. i guess they could make a good team.lol the guy she is married to now is jax...eh hes okay i could see him and kate together if sony and carly get back together someday.... You know i havent seen the kids around latley.. i wonder were they are?! just thought about that.. im way excited for todays show.. is everyone else?:D
@rimsha (806)
• Pakistan
5 Nov 07
I Like to live single. It is very easy life.
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@tanjam420 (228)
• United States
6 Nov 07
i would like to see elizabeth and jason together, they make a good pair. and i will agree with you on the spenelli and georgie they are a good match for each other, lulu and logan definatly i dont know about them there is a spark in her eyes since she has been with him. as far as robin and jason they were a good match but i think she was better with stone(when he was alive)but i think she should get back with patrick..when it comes to sonny and kate definatly they are a great match, you are right.. although they do have a pst together, i think if trevor has anything to do with it there maybe more trouble to rise from that one. i think that rick and sky are good too, alot better then alkazar. i really hope he dont die, who would be there to drive sonny mad besides godd ol trevor?? and i also think that jerry and alexis would be an awesome pair, although she would have to deal with everyone's critisism.. and last but not least nichols and emily i really hope they can make it work this time around, they are so happy together.