have you ever had a Christmas away from home or without your family?

@mensab (4200)
November 6, 2007 5:28pm CST
for us, filipinos, christmas is very important date for our family. but this year, i will certainly spend my Christmas away from home .. this is going to be my first time.. if you had one, could you tell me how did you cope with it? what did you do?
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3 responses
• Philippines
16 Nov 07
When I was in my secondary school I had my Christmas away with my family, I'll spend it together with my godparents or grandparents. This coming Christmas I'll not spend it with my family, for I'm living now away from them and I'm not yet allowed to go to my home country for a vacation.
• Philippines
17 Nov 07
I think a li'l celebration together with my Filipino colleagues.
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
16 Nov 07
what do you expect this coming christmas without your family with you? are you living alone? how will you spend christmas? thank you
@JaLuvYa (175)
• United States
7 Nov 07
I cried my first Christmas away from home my first year in the military. The food was different than what we would have cooked at home and I missed our family gathering for the first time ever. I love to see my mom's face when I give her gifts- it just didn't seem the same over the phone. There's nothing like Christmas with family. I didn't cope well. I live back home now-lol. I wish you all the best... sorry I'm not much help.
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
7 Nov 07
thank you for your sharing.. it is always nice to know that someone had experienced this and was able to handle it effectively. yeah, it will never be the same over the phone, or even with webcam.. i will miss the "simbang gabi," reunions, and much more.. i will just dwell on my fond memories of my last christmas with them. They are right when they say, it is in the absence that we see its importance in our lives. sigh
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
7 Nov 07
Christmas is a time for Filipino families to be together. It is such a hard time for you since this is the first time you'll be away from your family and home. As for me I haven't had Christmas without my loved ones yet but maybe for you to cope you should surround yourself with friends there and maybe constant communication with your loved ones is a big factor for you to cope up with your homesickness and everything. I am pretty sure there will come a time that you'll be back again.
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
7 Nov 07
indeed, it is a time to be with our family.. i am groping for my senses when the thought of christmas away from home comes to me.. although it is still more than a month to go, the songs and decorations in costa rica which is a predominantly Catholic country beckon me to realize - i won't be home this christmas. and it is real. anyway, i will be back there next year.