Will you eat something when you are watching a movie?

@youless (112188)
Guangzhou, China
November 6, 2007 11:42pm CST
It is likely that you will eat some snacks when you are watching a movie. We are a little different. Usually when my husband and I go to see a movie together, we won't eat anything and we just watch the movie. It seems that we don't have a break to eat something:)
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45 responses
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
7 Nov 07
First I have to say that I watch a movie at home online or TV. I don't usually snacks while watching a movie because I need to fix my attention to the movie for a better enjoyment.
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
7 Nov 07
We don't often go to see a movie in a cinema, so we have to concentrate the movie itself rather than eating the snacks.
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
7 Nov 07
I do not have the habit of taking any snacks while I am watching a movie. Usually my hubby and do take some snacks before stepping into the theater. But most of the time we enjoy eating supper after watching the movie.
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
7 Nov 07
Sometimes eating snack doesn't mean you are hungry. It seems it's a habit for most people when they watch a movie.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
7 Nov 07
I'd go for sandwiches at times, together with drinks like Iced tea or soda. Sometimes, I also bring along some snack, like chips or curls to much on while watching a movie. But there are times that I already eat at restaurants before going inside a movie theater, so most probably I only worry about drinks.
@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
7 Nov 07
You could have the feast in the cinema:)
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• United States
7 Nov 07
Back in the 80's when it didn't take 20.00 to pay for popcorn and a drink,we would get popcorn before the movie but we would eat it before the movie started. These days , we don't get any popcorn because it is too expensive.At home,it depends on the time of day. If it is dinner time or I want a snack.I'll eat. If not, I won't.Thankfully to microwave popcorn, I can have the popcorn without the movie.
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• United States
7 Nov 07
Here, you are allowed to bring outside food into the theater.That doesn't stop people from trying to sneak it in. My favorite movie house is in a mall that has a great food court. so the last film I saw, I didn't eat during the film, I ate after the film.
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
7 Nov 07
Here all the snacks outside the cinema are expensive. So if we have to eat something in the cinema, we will buy it from the supermarket at first.
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@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
7 Nov 07
I won't mind munching some snacks while watching a movie in a theatre.
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
8 Nov 07
You are welcome!
@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
7 Nov 07
Thanks for your response.
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@hillock (749)
• Qatar
7 Nov 07
it depends on the movie i watch. well if its a gruesome movie or a horror one i cant eat anything cause i am easily scared. But if its a feel good movies, i dont mind a large size soda and popcorn! hehehe!
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
7 Nov 07
Thanks for your response.
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@hillock (749)
• Qatar
7 Nov 07
yah especially chips..the plastic are quite noisy. well when i eat i try to be as discreet as possible.
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• Sweden
7 Nov 07
I dont eat stuff while watching because it will draw the attention from the movie. If its on TV I might go get something during commercials. IN the cinema if I buy something, I have always eaten it all up before the movie starts.
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
7 Nov 07
Movies after all meant for entertainment and I do not take it seriously as we used to during childhood. So I take breakfast while watching TV news, I take lunch and watch some serials and at night I take dinner and watch star movies channel.
@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
7 Nov 07
Thanks for your response.
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
7 Nov 07
we generally dont go out to see a movie, because it is much too expensive, but when we watch a movie at home (whether it is rented [which we do sometimes] borrowed [from the library or relatives] or one that we have, we buy popcorn kernals and make a large pot of popcorn.
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
8 Nov 07
We don't often go to see a movie, too. We may go to see it once or twice every year. You are right, the tickets are quite expensive.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
7 Nov 07
Oh yes we do, popcorn, chips, drink, icecream, chocolates... LOL i can't sit there in the movie and not eat lol i have to munch on something!
@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
8 Nov 07
Nice list:)
@angela2006 (1845)
• China
7 Nov 07
yes,I have this habit.everytime I go to the cinema,I just take some snacks,such as nuts,candy and some bottles of coca cola.then when watching the movie,I can eat something as well as appreciate the movie.I think eating something can make me feel more relaxed!
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
7 Nov 07
I know young girls always like eating snacks whenever they can:)
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@lynnchua (3412)
• Singapore
7 Nov 07
Usually I won't eat if I goes to a movie but I will get tibits or hotdogs for my kids.
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
7 Nov 07
Nice mom:)
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@lynnchua (3412)
• Singapore
7 Nov 07
Thanx for the comment.
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• United States
8 Nov 07
Everytime I go to the movies I always get a drink and a popcorn.. I always complain bout the prices, but to me going to the movies without getting that stuff, just isn't going to the movies. But I dont feel like I am missing anything if im getting a drink or anything. Since I get it before the movie starts, I usually even get it before the previews even start. :)
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 07
Is it possible to buy it somewhere? I know it'll be expensive to buy it around the cinema.
• United States
9 Nov 07
When I was little my mom use to sneak bottle soda or gatorade in with us. She would also take little plastic bags of popcorn with us too and pretzels. So I guess you could sneak it in.
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@pinay81 (1535)
• Philippines
7 Nov 07
we love eating while watching a movie in the cinema or even in the house we always buy popcorn cheez flavor and chips w/ softdrinks we finish maybe 4 large chips and 2 large popcorn:-)
@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
8 Nov 07
That's a lot:)
@kemadruma (148)
• India
8 Nov 07
never, myself being so involve in the movie, also i dnt like if other are eating,
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
8 Nov 07
That means to say the movie ticket is worth:)
@nishurs (582)
• India
22 Nov 07
well i would like to eat up snacks like chips in the breaktime and also during watchin the movie
@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
22 Nov 07
Thanks for your response.
@djmarion (4898)
• Philippines
13 Nov 07
if i'm watching a movie i like to munch something like a potato chips or fries.
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
13 Nov 07
Potato chips and french fries are my favorite snacks:)
@sophylline (1041)
• Philippines
7 Nov 07
Most of the time. Whenever my husband and I watch a movie, it is always best when we are munching on something. In a movie theater, there is really a vast variety of snacks that we can buy near the theater. Or even just at home, when watching a movie on dvd, we gladly anticipate with eating something, usually munching on junkfoods, dipped in vinegar.(:
• Philippines
10 Nov 07
Hehehe. So you eat all of the snacks. Thanks for the laughs.:D
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
7 Nov 07
My husband doesn't like to eat snacks. So I eat all of the snacks:)
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• Singapore
13 Nov 07
Normally I don't. 2 reasons. The first is that the cinemas here restrict the kind of food we can bring in. They only allow food bought at their counters to be brought in. Believe you not, if you are seen carrying a packet of macs fries, they will stop your way (how can they do this?!!!). That really brings me to the second reasons. They only sell popcorns and hotdogs and maybe taco so not many choices there. I don't really like popcorns because crunching them makes a lot of noise and I feel it disturbs others who are watching the movies - not to mention it makes my fingers sticky. As for taco and hotdogs, I do not need to bring them in lol... I can swallow them in one slurp. :P
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
14 Nov 07
Here it is fine for us to bring our own snacks to the cinema.
@joahnna18 (368)
• Philippines
9 Nov 07
i love to eat popcorn while i watched movie. When me and my husband watch movie we make it a point to buy some foods that we can eat at the movie house. i dunno but it's a habit that we can't change.
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
10 Nov 07
Thanks for your response.
• Philippines
22 Nov 07
well as for me, i usually bring some popcorn or any food i can buy before going to the theater except for horror movies.
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@youless (112188)
• Guangzhou, China
22 Nov 07
Thanks for your reply.