Who had the biggest impact?

@caf48180 (281)
United States
November 18, 2007 10:48am CST
Outside of your mom and dad or any family who do you think has had the biggest impact on you good or bad. I think mine would be a friend from work that keeps pushing me to better myself and gets me motivated.
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2 responses
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
18 Nov 07
Generally I would say my boss. He is a really not nice person most of the time. Every once and a while he's really nice. However, I just quit my job last week so he will be no longer influening my life. So I'd have to say my friend Justin. He's really fun to be around.One of those brighten your day kinda people.
@caf48180 (281)
• United States
19 Nov 07
I think i am one of those people but who knows it might just be me thinking one thing and being another if you know what i mean.
• United States
18 Nov 07
Thats would have to be my husband. He taught me to come out of my shell. Im a kind person and just let others walk all over me. He has taught me to stand up for myself and take over the situation. He has also Taught me to love again. I have a bad incedent happen with a man before I met him. I didnt think I could love someone again. He taught me that all men wont treat you like that and that he loved me and wanted to help me. Im so gratefull for him. We also have two beautifull boys together. Which we have learned to parent, grow up and take responcibility!