Where do Gays get their own language?

November 18, 2007 9:50pm CST
In our community, gays nowadays are open with the people. And I have noticed that some of their languages are different but they all understand each other. Sometimes it sounds funny but amusing. I wonder where they get their language. In barber shops or beauty parlors, gays speak to each other in their own language but they all understand each other. Do you have any ideas?
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5 responses
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
19 Nov 07
I have a gay friend who is really updated on the latest word additions to their lingo. its very amusing to hear him talk like that and its so amusing that most of the times, I adapt his words. LOL anyway, I haven't asked him about where does he get their words because it never really occur to me that it might have an origin. however, I think that most of their words are their own creations and often just altercations or transformations of formal words into something more amusing and "artistic" to their sense. ^__^;; we all know that most gays are talented, artistic, creative and flirtingly fun, I guess they also show it thru their words. on one hand, there's a text message that's been circling around which says that a certain gay word has a Greek origin. I just don't know how to verify it since I don't know how to speak Greek. ^__^;; but I guess, it might be true that some gay words are based on foreign words. ^__^
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• Philippines
19 Nov 07
Really? Wow, that's an additional info there. Hehehe... It really does intrigue me how they get to form new words or evolve their language in which only their sexuality can understand. Amazing. I have gay friends who sometimes tease me about not being able to understand what they're trying to tell me. I'm starting to wonder whether what they're saying is a good thing or a bad thing because they laugh at me. Perhaps, they're making fun of me. But I'd rather not know because I get easily offended. If they laugh at me, I also laugh because I don't know what they're laughing and their laugh are really funny. Haha!
• Philippines
26 Nov 07
Incredible. Sometimes they interchange the letters, too. Incredible. But yeah, sometimes it's funny to the ears.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
22 Nov 07
well I'm sure your friends weren't making fun of you. my gay friend would just tell me "girl, you should go out more, you're way behind" if I don't understand something they said and then they would explain it to me. ^__^ actually most of thir words are just altercations of regular words, for example, they turn "papa" to "fafa" and it means a boyfriend not a father. LOL so non-gay people would easily understand them actually. ^__^
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@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
19 Nov 07
It is amazing to know that gays are so smart to make gay lingos. And its fun to know some of them.. Coz sometimes you feel like so left out if there are two gays around you and you dont know what theyre laughing about.. and they are really good.. Very smart
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• Philippines
19 Nov 07
I agree. It's nice to know some of their language so that you'll be able to understand what they are babbling about. Haha... But I don't use the words though. Do you?
• United States
19 Nov 07
Every group has their own slang.It isn't just gay people.
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• Philippines
19 Nov 07
A slang? Perhaps. Well, it's really amusing, how they make their own words but they all understand each other. And I do mean all the gays in the community understand the words! Incredible!
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• United States
19 Nov 07
I dont know. I havent ran into that much. All I know is that every culture has developed their own ways of doing things. We may not understand it but if it works for them...i guess.
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• Philippines
19 Nov 07
They're also very witty... They can outwit people, too. Incredible.
@ebtenorio (765)
• Philippines
22 Nov 07
They might have created it by themselves and spread it like fire!
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