What is the best stay at home job you can get online?

United States
November 19, 2007 5:45am CST
I am a stay at home mom. My hubby is the one who brings home the bacon. I want to make some extra cash to spoil my kids with and also to help lighten the load off of my hubby. What have you tried online that has worked for you? I want be able to have a flexible schedule and also be able to travel and work at the same time. Please give me your ideas and share with me your experience in WAH.
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1 response
• Singapore
19 Nov 07
i got a job in the website, help somebody and company design CI and VI, and you no need to know what your boss look like, just finish the logo and email it, then they pay your payment.
• United States
20 Nov 07
That sounds like a cool gig. I am not good with html and xml yet. I am learning though. Hopefully I can learn to master it. I am great with photoshop though maybe I can work it in together. I seen this news on TV about Mompreneurs and it's great. These stay at home moms had their cakes and eat it too. Home with the family and making money.