The world is in Great Peril...Really..As In Phew! BIG...

@ayou82 (3450)
November 21, 2007 5:33am CST
I watching the clips in CNN, and i saw this clips that really made me worry bout the worlds future.. Seeing drought, ice melting, tornadoes in places that dont usually occur just like in Bangladesh recently, but what caught my attention is this man who is talking to one of the correspondent and he is asking HELP to keep their island, frightened by the predictions that it will be vanished 10-15 years from now. Aren't you worried for your future my dear?? Let me hear your voice here in MyLot. Thanks!
3 responses
• Estonia
8 Dec 07
I heard that in general we have about 50 years to do something about the pollution of the Earth, otherwise it will no longer be able to provide us with oxygen and save from direct sunlight. 50 years is not much, people should start thinking faster. What do you think?
@dbmax41 (585)
• United States
22 Nov 07
I live out in the country. When I have to go into the city it really makes me worry. So many cars and pollution. Noone is doing anything about it. Pollution from industries is so bad that they will pay fines cheaper than stopping the pollution.
• India
21 Nov 07
The world moving towards a great peril . people are very selffish, we all sould think holistically for the betterment of the world.. pollution , islam , and sorts of evil are ruining out dear Earth regards Harry