Do you enjoy winter?

@Mirita (2668)
United States
November 24, 2007 2:22pm CST
I have to admit that the only thing that I like about winter is Christmas and the snow. I dislike cold weather so much and I'm always hoping that it goes fast because I hate to wear sweaters, Jackets etc, etc. I love going out in the summer because I can sit outside and enjoy the view ,but during the winter I usually hate outdoor activities. I admire those people who go to Colorado in the winter for vacation. Well, we are still in the Fall and is already getting cold ,so we are far from my favorite summer season.
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6 responses
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
24 Nov 07
I don't like winter either. I do think the snow is pretty but it makes it colder outside and can make travel dangerous. I absolutely hate wearing big winter coats they annoy me big time. I can't wait for it to be spring again and winter is just getting started! We had our first snow last night.
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@Mirita (2668)
• United States
24 Nov 07
Yes, traveling can be very dangerous during the winter and wearing big winter coats annoys me so much too. We are still far from spring. We haven't had any snow here ,but is probably going to be snowing soon.
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@roniroxas (10560)
• Philippines
6 Jan 08
there is no snow here at the country where i live in but i have experience snow already at japan one time. it is not that exciting. i use to watched tv or movies and feel excited hen i see snow, but when i had the chance to feel snow it was not tha awesome. just like you said you have to wear such clothing that you almost look like a robot. lol.
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
7 Jan 08
I was also excited about the snow before ,but now I love to see the snow for one day and I pray that it goes away soon. Is kind of dangerous to drive during the winter and I hate looking like a
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
9 Dec 07
I don't mind the Winter, because for me I find it easier to warm up than cool down, you can easily get warm in the winter with more clothes, heating etc, but in the Summer when it is too hot it is unbearable and so difficult to cool down. I love the Winter because it brings Christmas, hopefully the snow and it kills off the germs if cold enough. We have humid Summers in the UK and they can be so uncomfortable and our Winters are mild.
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
10 Dec 07
Well, mild winters are not that bad but Winters that are below 15 degrees are a nightmare to me.
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Being born and raised in Florida, you would think that I would not like the cold. But I have lived in Northern Illinois for about 6 years now, and I love the change of seasons. I can't stand the heat anymore. Give me a day with a high in the 50's-60's and lows at night at least 40, and I am a happy camper !! I like to be able to bundle up and snnuggle into my warm covers to sleep. Or being able to keep the windows open during the day. I love it !! In the winter we go sledding, build snowmen, etc. We make the most out of all the seasons.
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@Mirita (2668)
• United States
26 Nov 07
Is nice that you have this positive attitude about winter. I live in Kentucky and we have the four seasons too ,but I always pray for winter to go fast. I don't mind 50's and 60's so much ,but below 30 degrees is hard for me to go out. People are looking at me funny because I'm always running during the winter to get to my car.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Dec 07
Hi Mirita, I like to see a little snow at Christmas, other then that I'm happy without it. I don't mind the cold weather as much, if it's sunny. Blessings.
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@Mirita (2668)
• United States
29 Dec 07
Yes, I love to see the snow during Christmas too ,but I want the snow to go away.If is sunny, I don't mind the winter so much either.
• China
25 Nov 07
I like winter because it's cold weather and the snow.But I am always that is goes fast too.beacuse I like spring most!
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@Mirita (2668)
• United States
26 Nov 07
My favorite season is summer ,but I also enjoy the spring because I love the Dogwood trees and the flowers. Everything is alive again and all the leaves are coming back.