Do you like the Winter?

@mari123 (1861)
November 26, 2007 9:10pm CST
I want to know if you like winter days, if you like cold, to sleep in a cold night, to be together with people I like very much the winter, it's my favorite station of the year, I like to do all the things what I said in my question...,now the weather is very colder and colder. But I want to know from you, Do you like the winter?
1 response
• United States
27 Nov 07
No I don't really care for the winter. I am always cold. I am one of those people that you will see wearing a sweatshirt in 80 degree whether because I am still cold. The only thing I like about winter, is the snow. I don't like to be in it for too long but building snow men with your kids and getting into snowball fights is a lot of fun. Then you get to come in and drink hot chocolate to warm up. My favorite season would have to be summer though. I always feel so much healthier and alive during the summer.