Your identity!

United States
November 30, 2007 11:00am CST
Now I love my kids and I wouldnt give them up for the world, but when you had kids did you ever feel like you lost your own identity? When I am with my family and they are introducing us it goes like this "these are my grandsons(nephews) Ty and Seth." And then I say "what about me?". Then they say "Oh and this is their mother." Ouch! I dont even have a name anymore. What is up with that? Now I know my sisters and my mother love my kids but what about me. I was the one who was cut open so they could come into the world. I dont want them to love my kids any less but I would like to be recognized. Does anyone else have this problem?
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5 responses
• United States
30 Nov 07
Totally agree. My daughter was captain of her high school dance team. They were in a lot of competitions and won a lot of them. I was always the backstage mom. All I ever heard was "Are you Sonia's Mom?", "Has anybody seen Sonia's Mom?", "I wish I had Sonia's Mom.", "Maybe we should ask Sonia's Mom.", "Mom, I would like to introduce you to Sonia's Mom.". I got referred to as Sonia's Mom so often that I just went ahead and had a t-shirt printed up that said "Sonia's Mom" on it and wore it to every event.
@garnet80 (349)
• Australia
30 Nov 07
That is a brillant idea. I had a really good laugh when I read your comment. You have a wonderful sense of humour.
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Dec 07
Awe. Thank you!
• United States
30 Nov 07
My son is 16 months and I often feel like I have lost part of myself. Not that I don't love him, nothing in the world is as great as his laugh, but I often feel like there isn't time for me anymore. Between doing this and that, house cleaning, kid care (man I feel like I change more poopy diapers then one kid should produce!), it makes it hard to care for me! And everyone wants us to go over to see the baby. Aww isn't he getting big. Aww, he is toddling about now so nice. What words is he saying?
• United States
30 Nov 07
I get to stay home all day and change two diapers!! Do you ever get asked to go out any more? After we had our sons no one will ask us to go out with them. I havent been to a movie in years.
• India
30 Nov 07
I believe every mom goes through this, ironical as it may sound may be this is the prize to pay for bringing those wonderful little people into this world. There is no "me" in mommy. The fact is hard to face but i also have observed everywhere, there doesn't seem to be any identity of a woman with a small child at hand. Maybe it is also a highest respect in the eyes of others that one can get, being regarded as a mother and nobody else. Its all in the way you see it.
• United States
1 Dec 07
I feel completely invisible now that I have kids. I used to think that that wasn't exactly a bad thing, but it gets pretty lonely when nobody seems to recognize you.
@kwenge (2487)
• Kenya
1 Dec 07
I dont have kids yet but I can testfy on behalf of my sister. She tells me that she has lost her identity even her husband sometimes forgets her in the name of her two sons. The husband is no longer calling her sweetheart, darling and honey - instead he is calling her.....My son's mother, mother of bla bla bla.......... I even afraid now to get children lest i loose my id.....hehehee.