pets and christmas trees

@hunandi (288)
United States
November 30, 2007 8:13pm CST
I once thought my cats where just odd because the will climb in the christmas tree and sit like birds. My dog how ever could careless. Not only do my cats climb in and sit the all so chew on the branchs ( no the trees not even real). On top of that the eat the tinsile ( that siver stuff you hang off your tree that sticks to everything) Oce again why lol? do that not get the picture year after year that im going to chase them out of it. And when i get bortherd enought i leave the tree unpluged and and the water gun out and chase them . Yes to which you can bet my kids think is funny. My sister recently got a kitten her does this to does any one elses?
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5 responses
• United States
1 Dec 07
its weird how everybody has to deal with animals playing with their christmas trees like my cats all 4 of them climbed it at once when our dog was chasing them inside the house then our dog jumped on our tree and the tree fell over. so our tree was ruined and one of our cants got a broken leg because of that and it wan not worth having to pay 100 dollars to fix her leg.
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@hunandi (288)
• United States
2 Dec 07
Well 100 for a broken leg isn't all that bad i think. but lucky for my my dog doesnt chase the cats out of the tree
@garnet80 (349)
• Australia
1 Dec 07
My cat who is now 8 years old used to climb my Christmas tree when he was a kitten. I have a new and even bigger one now but I do miss my old tree. It has a lot of memories. Like for example the bent branch where my little or should I say not so little kitten though he could sit but the branch couldn't handle his weight. And then there's the ornaments I used to and still sometimes even now had to rehang because they make such great cat toys. I think most cats think a Christmas tree is one giant toy put up especially for them.
@hunandi (288)
• United States
1 Dec 07
lol you must have hit the nail on the head one big toy just for them sound just about as right as it gets
• United States
1 Dec 07
ONe year I had to go out of town and my friend kept my cat at her house for me. She put up a real tree, which fascinated my cat (I had only had fake trees up to that point). Unfortunatly, since her cat had never been overly fascinated by the christmas tree (being an indoor/outdoor cat, it wasn'ta big deal in her eyes), my friend did not secure the tree well enough to withstand a 10 pound cat attempting to climb it. Thankfully, she unplugged the tree before she went to bed, so there was just a little water and a couple broken orniments from my cat's shenanigans.
@hunandi (288)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Boy im greatful my cats have not broken any thing yet. I say yet becasue i afraid if i dont that will be when it happens lol
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Lol. Our newest addition to the family (Got her, September) a kitten who're nearing adulthood now LOVES the tree so much she won't stay away from it We've never used ALOT of tinsel and always kept it higher up on the treet to begin with, so them eating it and hurting themselves that way hasn't been a problem...but the little kitten, who I've nicknamed; The Ninja, keeps climbing the tree, plucking ornaments off and playing with them..etc. My dog likes to sleep under the tree with the Ninja, lol. Mom's cat, Ozzie doesn't care one way or another about the tree. And my cat, Maxer, would probably sleep under it if he wasn't so scaredy that someone might ambush him there while he sleeps (his paranoia is warranted, when we were on the farm we had lots more cats and they all picked on him, minus his brother). I dunno...animals plus christmas always make things interesting, don't they?
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@hunandi (288)
• United States
1 Dec 07
I agree it does give you something of intrest to watc. They always seem to be up to something around the holidays. Just like lil kids wanting to play with everything . How ever my cats have never got hurt from the tinsel though. They dont actly eat it either they just love to chew on it and then it clings to theyre fur .
• India
1 Dec 07
yes catz are climbers..i have a golden retriver and wild cats around the yard i see them running all the time and climbing all sorts of things ... Regards Harry
@hunandi (288)
• United States
2 Dec 07
I honestly dont have a tree in my hole yard to see this happen but it sound intrestion to watch bet my kids would have a ball they love animals, Everytime the see a stray they say ohhh mom look. I of course repley no thank you it can stay out side we will call the animal shelter for make sure it gets fixed and its shots