Is Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo A Legitimate President?

December 5, 2007 8:02pm CST
What can you say about it? :)
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6 responses
@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
11 Dec 07
Yup, I still believe she is, unless proven otherwise. You know, honestly, I am tired of too much criticisms against our government, much more the President...I am not a GMA fan, but I would rather support a sitting President than move in the streets to ouster her. I am just simply sick and tired of all these mess. I guess I am more for peaceful transition such as 2010, the next national elections. Let us speak through the ballots...not through mutiny, or rebellion or any forms of violence or extra constitutional means. Please, let's give our country a break.
@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
21 Dec 07
That's truly touching. Glad we share the same view...Merry Christmas!
• Philippines
19 Dec 07
i think this serves as the best response. i totally agree with your views and were as much as the same. God bless and have a happy christmas!
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@acmepride (1546)
• United States
7 Dec 07
GMA's minions and lackeys claim that she's squeaky clean and, because she's such a saint, she could not commit poll fraud. So, if she's, in fact, not capable of manipulating the elections, and if the election was indeed held freely and honestly, her election to office could be considered as absolutely legal and legitimate. In turn, thus, she could be considered a legitimate president. I'm not a fool, though.
• Philippines
9 Dec 07
Because of the Hello Garci controversy, some consider her as illegitimate president. Although she is suspected manipulating the election, the fact that she was inaugurated as president, I believe Gloria Arroyo is a legitimate president. Besides, who else? Joseph Estrada? Although personally I'm not a pro-GMA, I think she is more knowledgeable in the position. ^_^
@rdurusan (624)
• Philippines
11 Dec 07
In terms of law from our constitution she is not a legitimate president.She became a president because of another illegitimate president by the name of Busch jr.
• Philippines
9 Jun 08
@Neriz69 (1093)
• Philippines
6 Dec 07
I believe that she is the legitimate president as the term of former Pres Estrada is over and this is actually a new term for her after the election.
• United States
7 Dec 07
I bet she really is.. well, even if some people say she isn't, I'd still choose her over Erap, no doubt! :D
• Philippines
9 Jun 08
She is as legitimate as legitimate can ever and will ever be!