Unleashing that dark side

@tryxiness (4544)
December 7, 2007 3:05am CST
I know Man are naturally good. I believe that each one of us were born under the state of tabula rasa (blank slate). A state where it could be analogous to being pure. But as we grow up, we are exposed to different experiences and influences. It is nature vs nurture thing. We may take the values our parents have inculcated on us or take the environment where we were exposed to with our peers -- socialization in short. We are also influenced by our biological make-up. More or less, each one of us wear certain masks. :) We mask perhaps our dark side, or say we never really befriended our dark side because of the arete or virtues that we have chosen to embrace or virtues that the society dictated that we should have. Arete means something closer to "being the best you can be," or "reaching your highest human potential." We choose to be the best that we can be. This is of course relative. If we choose the dark side to be the best that we can be, then could our friends or parents or loved ones accept that side of us? Weird. Anyways, my real question is if you are going to unleash your dark side -- could be our wildest side(?), to whom would you show such? Well, I think I would rather show that side to strangers. Hehehe. I am just scared to disappoint my friends and parents and loved ones on how I can be the worst person existing on earth. :) How about you?
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5 responses
• Philippines
7 Dec 07
I think, what i can consider my darkest side so far was when i was fuming in great anger... only my father saw that... and i never want to let that out again... sometimes when we try to reflect on how bad can we be or how worst can possibly be, we just never know our limits... for me i don't want to know because i never wanna let that out :-) nice post Tryx
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@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
22 Dec 07
I think everyone has that certain fear of unleashing the worst and unknown side of us because we are capable of hurting other people or meainly the meanest of all means. :)
• Philippines
5 Jan 08
do you watch criminal Minds on Studio 23? it often start and end an episode with some quotes... i got this from there, though i forgot who said it ... " among all animals, man is most cruel... for man is capable of inflicting pain for the pleasure of doing it" :-)
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
5 Jan 08
Hey, that's a nice quote. My friends have been encouraging me to watch that... :) Thanks, it will be in my list of series to watch. :D
@Ravenladyj (22904)
• United States
7 Dec 07
My dark side is something that I do my best to maintain control over...If I dont very bad things could happen simply becuase that part of me is VERY volitile and hardcore particularly if I'm NOT on my medication....Who has seen it? Very few ppl have been unfortunate enough to see even a glimpse of my dark side let alone the full blown version ya know.. I'm a firm believer that we are ALL capable of horrendous acts, I am a firm believer that we ALL have an extremely dark side HOWEVER its just that many of us either deny it or simply keep it under control ya know...
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@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
22 Dec 07
Yes. It is a matter of controlling it. Now, that reminds me of Nikki/Jessica of Heroes. :)
@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
7 Dec 07
hmmmmmmmmm interesting my dark side would consider what hurts people first and always with a compatible partner , I like to think I could just be myself and pretty much let loose anyway, if you have a dark side that insists on hurting people, then maybe you land in jail I think,and maybe tat is where you should be then mostly we make our own prisons I have noticed
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
22 Dec 07
Hahaha. :) I guess, the very reason that prisons exist that is when control comes in. :)
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
7 Dec 07
I think I would rather not show my dark side either, but sometimes when someone does you wrong you may think out loud to your friends or family the things you would like to do to that person. So even if you don't want to, I think your friends and family probably have been the ones to see you at your worst. Except, one stranger one time, said the wrong thing to me after something really horrible happened and I blew up on her. She was rude and out of place and I think I probably scared her for her life.
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
22 Dec 07
Letting out that Dr. Jekyll in us kind of scared us. Really, it is scary to know that we are capable of doing something really bad. Each one of us has the potential of being a criminal but because of the values and the mores we keep, we choose to go with the society's standards. :) Thanks for replying.
@tiffiny (872)
• United States
7 Dec 07
I would show it to my family. They have to love you no matter what and if your friends leave you becuase you are "wild" or changed they really weren't your true friends to begin with.
@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
22 Dec 07
Our family indeed will always be there whenever we have explode into something bad, but, they will also be there to watch us go on and follow a straight path. :)