Do you like to experiment?

@dayzz25 (552)
United States
December 12, 2007 11:15pm CST
When I cook I experiment with a lot of different spices. I don't think I ever make stuff that taste exactly the same as before. Sometimes I make things taste better than before sometimes it's not quite as good as the last. I need to start writing my ingreidents down when I really like the flavor of something. Do you like to experiment or do you add the same thing every time you make a certain food item?
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11 responses
@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
13 Dec 07
I add some thing different each time I cook. I made eggroll lasagna the other night, and before I was done making it, I had already figured out how I was going to make it different the next time. LOL I love to experiment with spices. Garlic is my favorite, but I am leaning towards thyme and rosemary these days. Both have such good flavors and make the food taste so good.
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@dayzz25 (552)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Hmmm. I have never heard of eggroll lasagna. How do you make that? It sounds yummy and definately a different dish. I love garlic also. Another thing I love adding to certain foods is brown sugar. Thanks for your response. Have a great day.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
13 Dec 07
I love to experiment and I don't think I often cook the same thing the same way :) Like you maybe I should start writing things down, specially when they come out really well, so I can repeat it another time. I enjoy cooking a lot and I love being able to change recipes or adapt them to our tastes here at home.
@lizzyt2007 (1312)
• Craig, Alaska
13 Dec 07
I do some experimenting with spices, but mostly I like to experiment with food. I tried a good experiment for my son to eat carrots. You hasn't been wanting to eat them any more , I don't know why so I thought before dinners done I would cook some frozen carrots and melt some velveta cheese and blend them. My son took his time to eat them. He first looked at the carrots and said" I don't like them". I said you have't tried them and he said no. Then I called my mom for advice. While I was on the phone he ate them. Then he said "I like them". My son is 3 and a picky eater. He don't like anyother vegy except corn, but I am not sure if corn is really healthy for him to eat since it don't digest in our bodies. I still got to do my research.
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@dayzz25 (552)
• United States
13 Dec 07
I have a daughter who just turned 1. She doesn't like to eat a lot of veggies either so I will mix the veggies with stuff that she likes. I may even like carrots with velveta cheese. I never thought about putting cheese in with them. Maybe I will try it. My daughter loves carrots. Thanks for your response. Have a great day.
@draconess (650)
• Canada
13 Dec 07
Your cooking style sounds very similar to mine! I tend to experiment a lot, and tend to just add in whatever spices and seasonings that appeal to me at the moment. I should write it down sometimes, whenever I create a dish that turns out really well I don't remember what I put in it!
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@musicman6 (2406)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Oh yes, I like to experiment when I cook, because I can make different stuff have different tastes! I can leave out the spices I don't like, or increase the ones I do like! Or even add something that nobody else does! No, I never make it the same way twice either,very rarely!
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@musicman6 (2406)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Hey, how come I only have a level 3 in cooking, I'll have them know that I am a good cook!! Just ask me!
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@dayzz25 (552)
• United States
13 Dec 07
You're funny. I guess they think I'm a pretty good cook lol. I don't like having low ranking numbers so now I have started to go to all of my interest groups. It will definately be more difficult to keep up with now. Have a great day.
• United States
13 Dec 07
I used to experiment until I found the perfect flavor for some of the things I cook. I used to mix everything that I thought would taste good, I don't like the same taste most of the time, but when I was experimenting I wanted the same taste I had made previously. My dad is an executive Chef and he uses the same seasonings most of the time, but he has a menu in his head. lol But he knows all different types of foods to cook and all sorts of flavors for each food item.
@brimia (6581)
• United States
14 Dec 07
I like to experiment but I also have favorites that I tend to use a lot like garlic salt and chili powder for savory foods and cinnamon and nutmeg for sweet foods.
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
14 Dec 07
Yeah I'm usually forced to experiment because I'm not very good with the ingredients. I don't exactly follow recipes. I usually modify it for convenience's sake. Like, if I'm not familiar with a certain ingredient I'll either omit it or replace it with something I'm more familiar with. I guess I'm too lazy looking for ingredients that are hard to find. LOL I'm also too lazy to do all the measuring, like tablespoons, cups, etc. I like to just throw things around, going by instinct. So when someone asks me, "How much of this did you put in?" I just answer "Whatever I feel like". Haha
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
13 Dec 07
Truthfully I prefer to stick with recipes. But I find that on certain recipes, it isn't that good, like for soups. I can not find a good soup recipe, so I add in what I think would be good and 9 times out of 10, it turns out great..:) (when the tenth one doesn't turn out, my husband usually knows what it needs and corrects
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
15 Dec 07
Hi dayzz :) Lately i like to experiment with different kinds of spices but sometimes i add to much and then not the good "tasting" spice for the recipe/meal and its..well..ruined,haha!My boyfriend said to quite experimenting and just follow the recipe and cook what i know how to cook. Peanutjar:)
@shinnis (55)
• China
14 Dec 07
I enjoy cooking too though my skills are just at the beginning step . Life will be yummy if we are active and full of imagination , so we will start many experiments. Bad or worse ,good or better , there are failures or the successes, we like the latter one and reject the former, But i found the smartest and quickest way to acheive something . I like my character to always try many things , not only just cooking but also in many other fields. Life is so cool with good old and new ingredients . Do you think so ? Happy lady ?