Do you people-watch?

@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
December 13, 2007 10:13pm CST
Have you ever just watched people? I mean really just did nothing but sit there and watch the people milling around you ? It is quite amazing. I starated this when I lived i Las Vegas. We'd go, play athe slot a bit, get a free drink and the take it out and sit on the bench outside a casino and just watch. Boy, howdy, some of what we saw walk by was out of this world! I love shoes. My first look at anyone anytime, is usuallya their shoes! I saw some nice ones, but holy cow did I see some stupid shoes!! And then the shorst and on up. I'm no Heather Locklear, but because of that I do dress decently. Nothing hanging out, any "fat chubs" i have are covered, nothing falling out anywhere, but not covered head to toe either! But I saw some of the most amazing htings and the only thing I could think to say was "how could they think they look nice or even decent in that outfit?" or. "they are out in public dressed like THAT? I might wear that to clean athe toilets but other than that, no way Jose!!!! Or "boy do they have guts to appear in public like that!" But it sure was fun Today in a store I was wasting time anyway waiting for my car repairs and was watching people. Amazing. enjoyable and flabbergasting! Have you ever people-watched? Give it a try. Rather interesting!
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7 responses
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Las Vegas has to be one of the world's best places for people watching. We live in a "resort" town not far from there, and it is fun to watch the tourists, especially now that we are "locals" and I could just sit on the bank of the river sipping a nice cold glass of tonic water and watch the tourists go by all day long. Some are, as you say, under-dressed, but some are really over-dressed. I like to put clean clothes on when I go out and not leave any body parts hanging out or anything bunching up, but my uniform is basically sandals, shorts, and cotton T's. I wear cargo shorts because I don't carry a handbag, and have to have at least 4 pockets: one for my Palm computer, one for a lipstick, one for clean tissues, and a big one for my wallet and keys.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Dec 07
You have a purpose to what you wear. Interesting! I'd go for pockets instead of a purse sometimes! And yes, LV is oneo f the best places to people watch - an air port is another! I always get caught up in thining, "what in the world were THEY thinking when they got dressed today, knowing they were comeing here" or anywhere for that matter!
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
14 Dec 07
I think watching people is an hobby. Most times we failed to notice or watch people. I like the charachter of the detective stories Sherlock Holmes. He was a very good watcher of people and notes minutes things we forget to notice. Yes I do notice people. I notice what they wear and what they are doing. Somtimes I tries to learn their body languages to know how they are feeling and what they are going to do. Body language is one of the subject that I loved learning and that is one of the reason I love watching people.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Ever wonder if those that you are watching know you are watching? Humm.. Interesting to learn about something from someone that doesnt' even know they are teaching you!
@sadanand (191)
• India
14 Dec 07
I do watch people but do not judge them based on the dress they wear. Apparence can be deceiving. Based on your interesting observation I would like to give it a try to judge them based on the dress they wear. Let me see how long and how fruitful experience it would be. Sadanand.
@sadanand (191)
• India
15 Dec 07
Well, agreed that some people do not notice how shabby they look, but it would definitely does not let us conclude about their status.Like I said, most people around do not bother much about their dresses or the dresses they wear do not believe that it would reflect their personality.We do across with people who expose themselves while they are in public.They just do it to get the attention of the people around, definitely that does not reflect that they are poor or cannot afford to buy a good dress to cover them decently.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
15 Dec 07
Of course not. To me it just means they don't really care how they look. Period. No judging anywhere. I am on a very limited small income, and I dont' have alot of clothes and what i do have was the clearance rack at target or kohls, and mostly last years fashions, but I still don't let all of me hang out for the world to see. That is just simply - don't care mentality. And if they don't, that's fine - it's their life, their decission . No problem. I just always wonder why they don't care anymore than that. Doesn't cost anything to care
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Dec 07
I'm not judging anyone. But you have to admit that when you see someone in such slobby attired, you have to wonder "don't they care how they look?". Now, granted, everyone has different fashion sense, and money to accomodate it or not accomodate it. But still, a woman wearing something that literally leaves nothing to the imagenation...why? A woman that wears a top that literally "let's it all hang out"...again, why? ANd when they wear a top that "allows" their more chunky waist parts to be visable...I'm no slim trim twiggy myself and I am not calling anyone fat, but I dont' see the point or reason of exposing ripples for all to see!
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@diannebcrs (1549)
• Philippines
14 Dec 07
when i am out in the street or in the school campus without anything better to do, i watch people and observe them. i watch how the look, what they wear, how they carry themselves. i also watch how they interact with other people. i do this because i want to understand them. i don't think it's a waste of time, though, because on mere observation, i can really learn stuff just by watching and observing the people around me. i love watching people laugh, argue or have a serious talk. i love watching their expressions and read their emotions. you're right. it's really interesting!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Fun, entertaining, educational - who'd thunk it? Interesting to learn about people in such a way and be able to use it to your own advantage!
• Philippines
14 Dec 07
yeah, I did, even if I didn't intend to. Its amazing how interesting people are. Even if they're not really doing much, you're just glued into them. You try to figure out what they're wearing, why they're wearing that, what they're going to do next. Its really funny but such a waste of time.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Dec 07
People watching is catchy! Even if you don't realize you are doing it! Something odd will catch your eye and then you are glued to it! My mom and I were walking out of a bank and this woman walked towards in ridiculous outfit, showing parts that weren't to nice and as she passed, me and mom looked at each other, turned and looked just to make sure we were not halucinating and then back to each other and just shook our heads and said.. at the same time..."what was that?". And here is was out in public!!! People can be funny!
@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
14 Dec 07
People watching is an art form! When I was a teenager, my Father was working in California but we were still living here in florida so I was able to go out and visit him during that summer. We would go to Disneyland on the weekends and sometimes in the evening and just sit at one of the outside cafes and watch people go by. This was back when you could by just a cheap admission ticket with no rides involved, not like now. Dad would ask me what I thought the person did for a living and all kinds of other questions. Then he would tell me what he thought. His answers were usually right on because sometimes the person would sit nearby and we would start a conversation and get our answers. Dad also taught me body language which has really helped me in life. I can walk into almost any business and apply for a job and get it just because of the things he taught me.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Dec 07
Just goes to show you can learn while having fun!
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@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
15 Dec 07
The two should always go hand in hand!
@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
2 Jan 08
Thanks for Best Response coffeebreak! I still miss my days of people watching with Dad and I enjoyed sharing them! Happy New Year! Shalom, Adoniah
• China
14 Dec 07
Usually,i watch people when i walking street or sitting in the bus . I guess and judge their culture and life mode with their face,dress,talking. People-watch to guess their other unbeknown face,i think that is a very funny matter,so i like to watch people. The people is the vividest and the best beautiful view in the world.