Hang on I know that name

December 17, 2007 7:30pm CST
Do you ever read a newspaper or watch tv and someone mentions a name and you know it. Latelly It happened to me 4 times. The latest was today. I was reading the newspaper on the internet from my country I read about this person in jail who killed kim self. The name was very familliar but I didnt know where from. I read the thing 3 times and everything made sense to me he was from my city about my fathers age. And then it click he had the same surname as one of my school friends and I re read the thing and it made sence even more, his ocupation was listed and all. Has this happen to you finding a familiar person where you dont expect.
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4 responses
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
18 Dec 07
Maybe one or two times. NOthing as dramatic as the case you describe but I remember reading an article in a magazine about someone that seemed so familiar. It took me about a full day to finally remember who she was. She was my cousin and the article had to do with the profession of interpreter which is what my cousin does. I should have realized it right away , but it took me a bit LOL
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
20 Dec 07
Yes, sometimes when you're not expecting something we fail to see what we would see were we expecting it:)
@aaidjs (1149)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
18 Dec 07
Hello Dear and Good Morning,I had same experience as you had with familiar names in local newspaper!!I really don't like when it is happened but its happened!!See you and Regards Silvana
@aaidjs (1149)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
18 Dec 07
Thanks Dear! See you Silvana
• Australia
18 Dec 07
well dear as long as your name (or the names of your loved onces) is not there for something bad than dont worry too much
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@kylanie (1205)
• United States
18 Dec 07
Yes I have done that and also I have friends that tell me guess who was in the news and I said who and they said it was one of our classmates and then I saw in the paper that a old friend was in the paper and I told my fiance look who is in the news.
• Australia
18 Dec 07
well I hope they are in it for something good.
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@marababe (2503)
• Philippines
18 Dec 07
Yes it happened to me a few times. I was going through the paper and I've already read the whole article when suddenly the name rang a bell and I read it again and I remembered that we were schoolmates before. The same thing always happens. Lol.
• Australia
18 Dec 07
I hope it was a good thing or it would make a great conversation on the next school reunion.
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