my son is addicted to mc donalds

@suehan1 (4344)
December 19, 2007 3:33am CST
how do i get my son 12 to eat healthy? all he wants to eat is mcdonalds or hungry jacks.if i cook a healthy meal he will not eat it.i have to get my mother to cook vegies for him and sometimes he will eat them for her.he is so obsessed with mcdonalds he will carry on for hours and hours untill i give in.need help and a few suggestions
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11 responses
@subha12 (18441)
• India
20 Dec 07
it is very unhealthy for children.Try to make some food that look good as well. I have haerd children take food by appearance most ofthe time. You can add say mashed spinach with rice and make a mould. Put some places inside and put vegs like carrot,beet etc mixture inside it. it will look good as well.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
20 Dec 07
sounds good.i am taking everyone advice on board and i will be trying all sorts of ideas as far as food is concerned and trying to be more assertive with him.thankyou cheers sue
• Philippines
19 Dec 07
have you tried any healthy substitutes for that like french fries or burger patties made out of sea weeds or gluten ???
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
19 Dec 07
i have not heard of them.what do the taste like,i have to see if we have them in australia.cheers sue
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
20 Dec 07
thanks for those suggestions.i have made home made hamburgers,but he tells me i don,t cook them right.thanks again
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
20 Dec 07
That is very bad hopefully he is not overweight , think you should find recipes that mix veggies with some chicken or even making hamburgers yourself with more veggies for him.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
20 Dec 07
my son is very tall for his age luckily ,he is solid,but not overweight.from all the advice i have been given i will be changing his habits and mine come the new year.thankyou for your response cheers sue
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
20 Dec 07
Maybe you should bring him to a restaurant to show that also vegetables can be very nice. Most of the times i liked the vegetables in the restaurant better than at home. But one thing you must not do is give in.If you don't want him to have mac donalds food than don't give in.
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
20 Dec 07
he actually likes vegetables and use to eat them,i will give a restaurant a go,to see if it wil change his present attitude.thanks for the advice cheers sue
@mistissa (1349)
• Netherlands
20 Dec 07
I think you should let him know who is the parent, YOU. He knows you cave in if he nags as much as he does. You should just say no even if he complaints and all. Just cook his food, if he does not eat it, too bad. he is 12 and will get hungry in the end, so he will have to eat. he is just acting as a child and you should let him know who is in charge. Otherwise he will walk all over you, now it is with McDonalds, what will the next thing be? Good luck
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
20 Dec 07
yes i am going to let hom know who is the boss of the household from now are right ,if he is hungry he will eat what i cook for him.thankyou cheers sue
• Philippines
20 Dec 07
try the reward and punishment system to him... It works all the time...
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
20 Dec 07
yes i am going to try the reward and punishment system,i like the idea of the 30 day plan someone suggested earlier.thanks for advice
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
19 Dec 07
yeh I am too, I really love McDonalds, I am sure he will grow out of it, my nephew was like that and now he likes all international foods of every kind...
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
19 Dec 07
The kid is 12 so who's the boss you are him. You have to be stronger than he is. He eats at home or he doesn't eat at all. I know all that is easier said then done but you have to be stronger than he is and pretty soon you will win. When he starts in just well hm once NO then walk away and if he follows you drive away. These kids know just how to wear you down. If he keeps pestering you take something away from him the TV or computer and keep it away until he stops pestering you. You are in charge not him and you have to let him know it.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
20 Dec 07
i know i will have too be tougher.i am going to make it my new year resolution and try harder.thanks for your advice
@talisman (1300)
• United States
19 Dec 07
He should have been eating healthy from the start. What was your son doing eating McDonald's and Hungry Jack's enough to get "addicted" to them, anyway? That kind of food shouldn't be eaten on a regular basis, if at all. You're his mother and you need to fulfill that role. Don't give in, you're the parent, not him. If he chooses not to eat, let him be. He'll eat when he's hungry and learn that you're no longer going to give into his demands.
• Canada
20 Dec 07
"everytime you drive by macdonalds just would punch him in the shoulder and that woud give him bad memories of macdonalds ane he will never want to eat there" ---From the movie supersize me MAKE HIM WATCH THAT MOVIE it may be too late for the first suggestion from the movie
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
20 Dec 07
i have never seen that movie .i will have to get it over the daughter is the complete opposite,she will only eat fat free food,maybe she has seen the cheers sue
• United States
19 Dec 07
You just need to quit giving in. If all you give him is healthy food, then when he gets hungry enough, he'll eat it. (Just because he says he's "starving" doesn't mean he is - that takes longer than a few hours!) He'll be fine, and if you cave to him on this, then you've taught him a lesson - if he bugs you enough for something, he'll get it.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
20 Dec 07
yes i have resigned to the fact that i have to not give into him and he knows which buttons to push,i have made it my new years resolution to get him on the right track.thanks for your advice