Oh My! my toilet

United States
December 21, 2007 2:37pm CST
Merry Christmas My lotters! A couple of days ago I thought my pipes in the bathroom were drain kinda slow. Then without warning my toilet just started pouring water from the base. What a big mess. I called the plumber but they told me that it was up to my landlord to solve this problem. They said they can not work on the plumbing whithout his permission. I have tried calling my landlord repeadily to no prevail, they are gone for the holidays. What would you do? I can't just sit here with no fuctioning bathroom for a week. I can't help but to see this as a really annoying situation.
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4 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
21 Dec 07
Oh wow, that is not right. Do you know anyone who know even a little about plumbing? I know there has got to be someone you can call, but I have no idea who. I hope someone here gives you an idea or one of your friends may know who you can call..
• United States
21 Dec 07
Thanks. I guess that they know that I have a problem but just cannot work on it without my landlords permission. I might just have to try to convince them to do so before I have a major problem. i do think that they would get mad. I would be doing them a favor for their house(even if they will get the bill).
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Dec 07
Well I hope by now you have a plan..:)
@NewHeart (528)
• Canada
22 Dec 07
what the problem here is the plumber won't just bill your landlord because he might not get paid from them because they didn't authorize the work. if you call the plumber tell them you will pay and get reinbursed from the landlord when they return just make sure you get reciept foe the work. or deduct it from your rent if you have to...
• United States
23 Dec 07
I did contact a plumber and the problem is fixed now.Thank God!!! My landlordd also finally contacted me and came over to access the damage they were very understanding and took care of the entire bill. Thanks for your response.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
21 Dec 07
Hello dear bargiegirl. I am so sorry to hear that your toilet is giving you trouble, but I think that the plumber is doing things mechanically. Why can't you have him do the repairing job but the landlord since you are now living there? I do hope that the landlord will be back soon so that you can have a normal toilet once again. Good luck to my dear friend. Merry Christmas.
21 Dec 07
Best possible solution would be to find out a new plumber. Life is so easy if we donot panic much. Hope this may clear the problem